told me."
That kind of left me scratching my head. It's a weird thing to say to someone after they've apologised, right? Normally you'd say "That's okay" or "Apology accepted" or "I forgive you", that's what happens in books and TV shows and movies and things, but "I'm glad you told me"? I have NO idea what to make of that. Anyway, I didn't let it stop me, because I had more to say to her than just an apology, so next I thanked her for being so nice to me and helping me clean up, and for taking care of my uniform—she kind of perked up at that, like she remembered something.
"Oh," she said. "It's at my house. I can bring it for you tomorrow."
She took it home and washed it for me! This girl is a sweetheart! I was about to say something else but before I could she was gone, she excused herself while she was standing up and before I could go after her she was scurrying away—like I said, the girl can move! I was disappointed that I didn't get to talk to her more and maybe invite her to do something after school, but I guess I'll get the chance another time. I'm just glad she doesn't hate me for being so rude. At least I THINK she doesn't hate me, it's hard to tell with her.
After that I just finished my lunch and wrote all this out, now I'm—oh, great. Here comes Veronica and her Blonde Patrol (actually not all of them are blonde but anyway).
Arrrgh I hate that girl SO MUCH. She did her big 'pretend to be nice to Charlotte' thing again, of course I didn't fall for it but that didn't make it any less infuriating. She came right up to where I was sitting and flashed this big bright smile at me and said:
"I heard you haven't joined any clubs yet."
So what? How is that her business? What does she care whether I join any clubs or not, I just got here, I hope I'll LEAVE soon, WHY IS SHE DISAPPOINTED IN ME FOR NOT JOINING ANY CLUBS ARRRRRRGH.
Of course, at the time I didn't say any of that. I couldn't. My mouth just freezes up when she's around, along with the rest of me. Maybe I mumbled something like "so what?", I don't know. She smiled at me again.
"You should join the self-improvement program," she said. "It's really fun and not too intense, it's a good way to meet people and increase your confidence and make new friends—and really, Charlotte dear, you look like you could use a little self-improvement."
Then she left, thankfully, and I ran away just in case she decided to come back. As for her 'self-improvement program', fat chance! I'm not joining ANYTHING that has her anywhere NEAR it!
Bell's ringing. Lunchtime is over. Easy boring maths for afternoon class then home. Not real home, of course. Fake school home. But it's mine, and it's private, and it's safe, and right now having that is really welcome.
xx48.11.09 / 10:04 / Tuesday
Between classes now, waiting for the teacher to get here. Apparently yesterday's beginning-of-the-week good mood has worn off, today everyone is totally serious and uncommunicative. I actually fell asleep during Social Studies this morning. One good thing, though, for some reason Other Charlotte is in my Lit class today. Now that I think about it I've noticed that students kind of drop in and out of classes, it must be something to do with these invisible rules that everyone except me seems to know. Although now that I think about it I haven't had any trouble with 'where to sit' lately, maybe I'm picking up on some of these mysterious unspoken way-things-are.
Teacher's here, Opal off.
xx48.11.09 / 15:16 / Wednesday
Something weird with the date on my Opal, it says it's the 9th even though the 9th was yesterday, maybe some kind of glitch in the local nets? Anyway.
I didn't get to talk with Other Charlotte even though we shared a class. During class she was very quiet (which wasn't that unusual considering the fact that we were writing essays—well, I was just proof-reading an essay I wrote two years ago but you know what I mean) and didn't really even look at me. Of
Viola Grace
Katy Huth Jones
Lecia Cornwall
Beatrix Potter
Rick Mofina
Tianna Xander
Kathleen Donohoe
Amelia Rose
Sharon Page
Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson