Charlotte and the Alien Ambassador

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Book: Charlotte and the Alien Ambassador by Jessica Coulter Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith
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near the Terran station where she could have access to their doctor. Charlotte knew there was no way a regular doctor would be able to deliver the child. And there was always a possibility that the doctor would tell Borgoz about the child, but she wasn’t so certain that would be a bad thing anymore. If he wanted her just because of the baby, it was far better than never seeing him again.
    Larimar had told her that Borgoz wouldn’t come after her, couldn’t come after her. Because of his exalted position on Terran, he had to remain on his world. They would never risk his safety on a trip to Earth and she understood, she really did. That didn’t make it any easier though. She wanted to cry just thinking about never seeing him again.
    “Will your driver take me somewhere tonight? Anywhere I wish to go?” she asked.
    “I suppose I can allow that. Now get out of my office and out of my house. I never want to see you again.”
    Charlotte fought tears as she left her father’s office for the last time. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as leaving Borgoz had, but then she’d learned long ago that her father had never loved her. She’d once overheard him confess that he’d wanted her put up for adoption when her hearing loss had become known. He hadn’t wanted a defective daughter, but her mother had refused to give her up. And then her mother had died and left her alone in a silent world with a man who hated her.
    In the car, she told the driver to take her to the Terran station. He frowned in the mirror, probably knowing that her father wanted her far from that place, but he took her anyway. When they reached the station, she got out with her bags and approached the front desk.
    “May I help you?” the Terran male asked. “Weren’t you just here a few hours ago?”
    “It seems I’m without a place to stay. Could you recommend a place that rents rooms by the week until I can find something better? I want to stay near the station.”
    He frowned a moment and she wondered if her voice was off-putting to him. He wouldn’t be the first person who didn’t care for it.
    “If you aren’t returning to Terran, why do wish to stay nearby? If you didn’t find a match on our world, do you really think you’ll find one with the males who have chosen to remain here?” His look clearly said anyone who sounded like her would never find a match with his people.
    Charlotte blushed. “I don’t want to stay here to find a mate. I need to remain close to your clinic.”
    He seemed puzzled and her blush deepened.
    “I’m carrying a Terran baby. I can’t see an Earth doctor.”
    His eyebrows rose into his hairline. “If you’re expecting, why are you not mated? I find it hard to believe that the male you were with doesn’t want the child or you. Or does he not know? We take our responsibilities very seriously.”
    “I don’t want to be a responsibility. He told me to find another mate, that he didn’t want me. I can raise this child on my own. I just need to remain near the station so the baby will be around his or her own kind. Please. You have to help me.”
    He seemed to weigh the pros and cons for a moment before coming to a decision. “There are a few suites here at the station, usually reserved for high ranking warriors or council members, but I think this is a special situation. I’ll make the arrangements for you to have a suite for the duration of your pregnancy, and then we’ll figure something out after that.”
    He took her bags from her and then called for security. After handing her off to another Terran male, he reluctantly let her go. He seemed intrigued by her, and Charlotte knew that was a bad thing. There hadn’t been many females on the shuttle home so it wouldn’t take much digging for them to figure out who she was and whose baby she carried. Eventually, her secrets would have to come out, but for now she would hold them close and pray that things would work out for her child and her.
    The suite

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