Center Stage (Bright Lights Billionaire #2)

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Book: Center Stage (Bright Lights Billionaire #2) by Ali Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ali Parker
as if I had a mic. "Your adoring fans want to know."
    "Hmm..." he glanced around and gave me a contemplative look, as if he were deep in thought. "I think it would be based on services rendered. For oral sex, we'll go with a hundred thousand dollars."
    My nipples tightened to the point of aching. "And are we talking about giving or receiving?"
    "Oh, giving. I love pussy." He licked at his lips, toying with me. How we'd jumped this deep into the pool was beyond me, but I wasn't willing to relent or let him know for a second just how insanely turned on I was.
    "Of course, and what about them giving oral sex? Would that be a charge too, or-"
    "Heavens yes." He gave me a cute look. "However, I would be willing to give a deep discount if the girl could properly give a blow job."
    "Properly... hmm, that's interesting. Do you have a handbook that I could pass out, by chance?" I fanned myself and let my eyelashes flutter as if he were getting to me.
    He laughed deep in his chest, stealing my heart with the sound. He might not know anything about me, and I might only know the surface of who he really was, but after watching him grow up on screen for the last ten years, I loved various parts of who I thought him to be. We all did. It was impossible not to.
    "A handbook. Now that is a great idea."
    I pulled down my hand as Liam joined us. The warmth that spread up my chest and coated my cheeks was all too real this time. Where I could be playful and have a bit of fun with Ethan, it felt trite to do it with anyone else, at least to the extreme we were taking it.
    "A handbook for what?" Liam moved to my side and leaned against the railing behind me.
    "For cock sucking. Riley thinks that my fans might like to have an instructional manual on how to please me. She might be on to something here." Ethan wagged his eyebrows, obviously very comfortable in front of his brother.
    "Oh, I like that. Would we have pictures and how-tos?" Liam winked at me. "You know it might be hard to get that monster to fit on the page. We could shrink it down and just have a caption off to the side that says, 'not actual size'."
    I laughed and snorted before pressing my hand to my face. "You guys are horrible."
    "Yes, we love depravity as much as the next guy." Liam shrugged.
    "Or girl." Ethan pointed to me. "She might be able to give us a run for our money."
    "We have lots of it between the two of us." Liam chuckled softly.
    Deza walked up and put her hands on her hips. "What are you three plotting over here?"
    "World domination," Liam offered up. "You want in?"
    "Actually, the best way to suck a dick." Ethan gave an innocent look and shrugged.
    "World domination through cock sucking." I couldn't help it, and the look I got from all three of them was well worth the comment leaving my lips.
    "Oh, hell no." Deza grabbed my hand and pulled me away from them. "The last thing we need is for these two to influence you. No more talking to them together."
    "It was Ethan." I glanced over my shoulder as he flipped me off with a sexy smile on his lips. "Make the manual. We can sell it next to the popcorn at our next movie."
    "I like the sound of that," he called after me.
    "What? The manual?" I pulled from Deza and turned to face him. I almost lamented over him having put his shirt back on, but no matter what he was wearing or wasn't, he was still a heart-throb through and through.
    "Well, that, yes, but the thought of the next movie being ours." He winked at me and turned as Liam started to give him hell over being sentimental.
    I let out a soft sigh and dropped down beside Frank as Ethan's offer raced through my mind. Had he offered to be my fuck-buddy while we were traveling? Surely not.
    Yes, the hell he did.
    "Uh oh." Frank reached out and patted my knee. "You got that look in your eyes that scares most men with any sense in their heads."
    I laughed. "And what look would that be?"
    "It's manipulation 101. You're trying to figure out how to get what you want and make the

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