Celestial Bodies

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Book: Celestial Bodies by Laura Leone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Leone
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don’t know what I thought.”
    “You jump into action pretty quickly when you think there’s danger,” she observed. When Nick shrugged, she added thoughtfully, “Maybe Felix is right, as usual. Maybe you were meant for law enforcement or something.”
    “ Ommmmmmmmmm... ”
    “Does he have to talk to his past incarnations quite so loudly?” Nick asked.
    “He says that an extra-loud chant helps him block out the unreality of our physical existence on this plane,” Diana explained apologetically.
    Nick put his hands on his hips and heaved a sigh. After a moment, the humor of the situation appealed to him, and he gave her a sparkling grin. “I guess that kind of killed the mood, huh?”
    Diana nodded. “Maybe it’s just as well.”
    “Oh?” His dark brows rose into a high arch.
    “I’m not going to let the gods pander for me, Nick,” she said matter-of-factly.
    She twisted her hands together nervously. “I mean, I’m not going to fall into your arms just because the tarot deck says I’m going to take a lover soon.”
    If anything, her comment seemed to amuse him even more. “So why did you just fall into my arms?”
    “I didn’t... Oh, well, yes, I guess I did.” Diana frowned and tried to reconstruct her argument. “I mean to say that I... That is, we...” When she felt herself falling headlong into his sea-colored eyes, she decided for once that tactical retreat might be her best option. “Gosh, I completely forgot to feed Ishtar! How careless of me! I’m sure you don’t want to stick around for that, so I’ll see you to the door.” She started shoving him toward the front door without grace or subtlety. “See you in the morning. Lots to do tomorrow. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep.” She saw Nick give her an incredulous look after that last comment and faltered. “I mean, uh...”
    He grinned wickedly as he opened the door to leave. “Sweet dreams, Diana.” Without warning, he reached forward, slid his hard palm along her cheek and pulled her toward him. His lips met hers in a soft kiss, the intimate kiss of a man who was now more than a friend, if still less than a lover.
    Then he was gone, and the door closed behind him. She could still taste him on her lips. She could still feel him in her bloodstream. And when she slid into bed that night, she could still sense the honeyed heat of desire tormenting her body.

      After another restless night, Nick arose and left the House of Ishtar at dawn. He walked about six blocks, until he came to the Café du Monde. He stopped there to enjoy some coffee—his first cup in nearly a week—and read the morning paper. Then he used a pay phone to telephone his partner, Peter Lowery, at home. It was nearly eight o’clock.
    “It’s me,” he said into the receiver. “You sound funny. I didn’t wake you, did I?”
    “I wasn’t sleeping,” Peter said tersely.
    Nick heard Peter’s wife mutter something in the background, and he grinned. “I thought she was too pregnant to fool around.”
    “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Or, at least, there was until you called.”
    “Sorry, Pete. It’s hard for me to slip away during working hours. Anyhow...” He glanced at his watch. “I want to get back early today. Did you get that information?”
    “Yes,” Peter answered, all business now. “As near as I can tell, your suspects are exactly what they say they are. Felix Stewart’s wife had health problems for years. Asthma, high blood pressure, a heart condition. Despite her physical condition, she maintained a successful career in advertising, and there’s no evidence to contradict the official story that she died of a heart attack brought on by a combination of her stressful profession and her poor health.”
    “You sound inclined to believe that.”
    “I am. By all accounts, Felix Stewart was as cut up about his wife’s death as his daughter told you he was.”
    “Okay. What about their business

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