Cause for Murder

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Book: Cause for Murder by Betty Sullivan La Pierre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty Sullivan La Pierre
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Maduk's cheek as he contemplated what Lilly said.
    "If you think it's the right thing to do,” he said. “Then I'll go. When things are safe, I'll come for you."
    "How will we stay in contact?” Maryann asked.
    "We can't. Any message or phone call can be traced."
    "But how will you know when it's safe?"
    "I'll know."
    Maduk pulled Lilly into his arms and kissed her. “I hope we'll be together soon.” He glanced at Maryann. “I'll see you shortly, my daughter."
    The two women watched Maduk walk out the front door.
    Lilly took a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Maryann put an arm around her mother's shoulders and guided her to the couch.
* * * *
    Jennifer and Hawkman glanced at Sam when he walked in the door.
    "I heard Burke Parker's name. Have you found out something new?” he asked.
    "Well, his death might not have been from natural causes."
    Sam sat down on one of the stools at the kitchen bar beside Hawkman. “Did they find a bullet hole in his body?"
    Hawkman shook his head. “No."
    "So what'd they find?"
    "All the tests aren't in, but they've discovered some unnatural things that occurred in his body. Which could mean anything from an overdose to a reaction to alcohol in his system. Or, he could have been poisoned."
    Sam's eyes opened wide. “Poisoned?"
    Hawkman raised a hand. “Don't jump to any conclusions. And keep this to yourself. Nothing's final yet."
    "Oh, man!” Sam rubbed a hand over his chin. “That means Maryann and her mother are going to be involved in a murder investigation. And police will be swarming all over the new lawn we're putting in.” He slapped his hands on the counter. “And I thought I'd have a peaceful summer."
    Trying to suppress a smile, Hawkman patted Sam's back. “If the reports show a shadow of a doubt that he died of anything but natural causes, Lilly and Maryann will have a few hectic months ahead. Welcome to the real world, son. And yes, family members are the first suspected."
    That night, Sam tossed and turned before finally falling asleep. Richard and Maryann kept popping into his mind. If it turned out Burke was murdered, Richard's compassion for Maryann might grow. After all, he'd been a suspect in the murder of his mother, and knew the anguish they'd be going through.
    Early the next morning, Sam paced back and forth across the driveway as he waited for Richard to pick him up. He debated whether he should confide in his friend about the latest news on Burke's death. Hawkman warned him to keep quiet until all the tests were in, but it tore at his gut to think the police could converge on the Parker property at any time, and catch Richard off guard.
    Sam finally spotted his friend's truck coming across the bridge. As soon as the pickup rolled to a stop, he hopped aboard and they took off toward town. He observed how well Richard had mastered the art of driving by using all the mirrors. They’ drove a few miles before Sam spoke. He leaned forward so that Richard could see his mouth without too much distraction.
    "If they discovered Burke had been murdered and the first suspects investigated were Mrs. Parker and Maryann, how would you feel?"
    Richard shot a look at Sam and swerved, but quickly corrected his error. “I'd feel terrible. I've been there. It's not fun. What makes you think Burke might have been murdered? Does Hawkman know something?"
    Sam shook his head. “It just crossed my mind as a possibility. Sort of gives me the willies."
    "Yeah, me too."
    Sam changed the subject to the latest mountain lion attack in the area. A sheep rancher had lost several of his prize ewes before he finally bagged the big cat with the help of animal control.
    The boys arrived in Yreka and stopped by a garden shop where they rented a rototiller. They reached the Parker residence shortly before nine and immediately worked on the lawn, taking advantage of the morning cool air.
    Even though they'd watered the ground and left instructions for Maryann

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