Catching Caitlin
rising in wispy tendrils.
    I was used to waiting for
what felt like ages for a shower to get warm, so I was already in heaven. I
climbed in and let the warmth soothe my racing mind.
    I looked for what I
expected would be manly soap options, and wasn’t disappointed. A body fragrance
that made you smell like pine and tobacco, and a shampoo of spearmint. It
must’ve worked, because every time I got a whiff of his scent, I felt like I
was reeling. Or was that the alcohol?
    I was rinsing out my hair
when I heard the click of the bathroom door. I struggled to open my eyes,
something I’ve always hated doing, and saw Hugh stripping down to join me. I
could just barely make his shape out through the distorted glass, and I bit my
lip in anticipation of him coming around. I knew he could see me, just my naked
outline. Was he just as thrilled as me?
    He pushed his clothes
aside with a foot, and came into the shower.
    He was smiling
arrogantly, but I couldn’t help but blush at his confidence. I’d never showered
with anyone else before. It had been so long since I saw him naked. He had
certainly filled out since high school.
    Though he had never been
unfit, he just looked older. He didn’t have what he had now: chiseled abs, with
that deeply grooved valley near his hips. My skin grew warmer, and I pushed my
wet hair out of my eyes. He stepped up to me, our toes just touching each
    He leaned close, but
didn’t touch me with his hands yet. His hand reached behind me and grasped his
loofa, while his other hand grabbed the body wash. The pine tree and tobacco
    It felt... dangerous. His
lips were inches away from mine, and I glanced down and saw him engorged.
    He set the body wash back
down, and touched my back with the loofa, the suds cascading over me.
    “I’ve never had a man
clean me before,” I whispered. He didn’t answer. He brought the loofa from my
back to my breasts, carefully lathering them. The smell from the body wash hit
me like a wall, and I nearly choked inhaling it so deeply.
    He took my wrist, and
held up my arm as he dragged the loofa across it. I don’t know if it was
because of the toddy hitting me, or that dream-like look he had in his eyes,
but I was completely his. I was at his command.
    He took my other arm and
washed it as well, before running the sponge back to my stomach.
    I jumped a little,
suddenly noticing his erection. He acted as if it wasn’t there, moving the
sponge down and slathering both my legs in soap.
    “Turn,” he said, an
unrevealing tone in his voice. He put a hand over my eyes and pushed me under
the stream of water. The soap ran down in channels. He was closer to me now,
and his cock pushed against my ass.
    “Caitlin.” He gently
moved my shoulders, and I turned back around to face him. I could just taste a
kiss on my lips.
    He leaned down to meet
me, and pushed his lips against mine. I held him to me, our kiss lasting for
what felt like centuries. Nothing else mattered at that moment.
    When I pulled away, he
had a curious look.
    “Did you still want me to
choke you?”
    I had forgotten about our
conversation, and he must’ve seen it in my face. “If you want,” I said.
    I nodded, “I want you to
choke me.”
    “If you feel like things
are getting too intense, just say ‘red,’ okay?”
    He slid his hand across
my shoulder, a light touch, which only surprised me more when he took a hold of
my hair and yanked my head back.
    I winced, but more
playfully than anything. He leaned in close, and kissed my neck. Then he put
his hand on me, and squeezed, pushing me against the shower wall. It was
slippery from excess soap, and I slid into the corner of the stall as he
    I gasped, both enraged
and amazed at how turned on I was. I reached out and stroked his wet cock,
admiring its hard ridge underneath my fingers. He grunted in pleasure, moving
close to me, and loosening his grip on my neck.
    I gasped for air, a sense
of satisfaction washing

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