Casted (Casted series)

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Book: Casted (Casted series) by Sonya Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sonya Loveday
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willing to take,” he explained.
    Hot tears burned the back of my eyes. Rage coated my throat, making it impossible to speak.
    “Not all of us wanted to leave you on your own. My father fought the council at every turn to try and make them see the wrong they were doing. He kept pleading his case, only to be denied. Up until the last of the elders died, he fought for you. Then, and only then, was he able to step in and do the right thing by you.”
    “Unfortunately, none of that changes the past. I won’t apologize for being angry and jaded for the way I was forced to grow up, Dagger.”
    “I don’t expect you to forgive and forget. I wouldn’t. I just wanted you to know that we never stopped trying.”
    All those years, I had someone fighting in my corner but never knew. How was I supposed to hold onto the anger that had fueled me this far, when all of those who refused to help me were dead? I had to push the past back to where it belonged. At least now, I had a little bit of an understanding as to who I was. It wasn’t much to go off of, considering I couldn’t remember much about my parents and everything else about my life was a mystery, even to those around me. All I could do was keep moving forward to make sense of it all.
    “What now?” I asked.
    “Right now, we have a man on the inside of the Triad. He’s been there for a number of years. He’s supposed to be looking into why the Triad is back in full force looking for you. My father expected to hear something from him this week. With any luck, we will get an idea of what the reason is and maybe start formulating a plan to fight back. Until then, we have to be on guard and keep you safe.”
    “And you? What do you think they want?” I asked
    Dagger blew out a breath and looked up at the ceiling as if it held all the answers. “I think he needs you to complete a spell.” He went to the closet and grabbed his boots. He didn’t look up as he pulled them on. “You see, people such as the Triad, they are never happy with the power they have. They crave more and more until they’ve tapped out all their resources and begin to steal others. I’ve read numerous books and have come across some very old journal entries. They are more like storybook fantasies than anything.”
    He shook his head and a small grin lifted the side of his mouth. “Anyway, these journal entries speak of spells that were once recorded then destroyed because of the power they contained. In the wrong hands, it could make one person more powerful than anything this world has ever seen.” He stood to look at me and then shrugged.
    “I would have written the whole thing off as fiction, if I hadn’t continued reading the journal and found one of those spells myself. Mind you, half the page was missing– burnt off, I believe. But if there is one thing I’m sure of, it’s that there is a book and it is very powerful. And I think you are one of the missing pieces to a very dangerous spell that the book contains.”
“If that’s true, then why did that man leave me to die and not take me directly to the Triad?” I asked.
    “It’s simple really. I don’t think the Triad knew of the book. They just wanted you dead because you stood for something they did not believe in. There’s always been a rift between the Triad and the Original Coven, or a war as my father would call it. That’s why the Triad has been hell bent on eliminating the Original Coven, ever since the beginning. It got really bad when your father turned his back on his people to be with your mother, the sworn enemy. The Triad followers were probably told to simply destroy you, once they found out you existed,” he said.
    “So how does the book come into play?” I wasn’t sure I followed his line of thinking, but really at this point, we had to look at all the angles.
    “Honestly? I think that someone pissed the Triad off really bad and bargained the book for their life. Once the Triad knew what was in that book,

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