Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 1 - Purple Blood

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Book: Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 1 - Purple Blood by David Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Buck
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three million kilometres away. The group soon found their way under the central dome to one of the colonies’ two restaurants. In minutes they were seated in a secluded booth and waiting for the food to arrive. Mary took out the letter again and Thomas arched an eyebrow as she launched into a series of questions.
    ‘Most of the fleet is coming here Thomas, are we sure Earth is still protected?’
    ‘So the former Dradfer colonies are our fleet destination? We are already light years from Earth and now we have to travel nearly one hundred light years?’
    ‘Tell me we are taking our best ships with us, and we have an exit plan in case it all goes pear shaped?’
    Thomas ignored all but the last question as the food arrived and he nonchalantly replied.
    ‘We are taking our best ships exclusively, plus marines and supply ships coming out shortly with John Beresford. Our exit plan is up to you as the fleet tactical officer, given your previous recommendations.’
    Mary took the hint and for her part was unfazed by his reply as she set about her steak and salad. She put aside for the moment the new concerns they would undoubtedly find after the fleet left Tau Ceti. Mary looked around the restaurant for a moment as Thomas continued enjoying his meal, and moved the conversation to a social level.
    ‘So how are Dianne and the kids doing Thomas? Last I heard your youngest son got the star point award for excellence at the academy?’
    Thomas relaxed further into the easy geniality that Mary recognised from their previous lives so many years ago as junior officers. He completed his current mouthful and took a small sip of his wine as he replied.
    ‘They are all well thanks Mary. Stuart did indeed win the star point award and he is now a lieutenant on one of the new destroyers we are expecting here soon. So how are Mark and the girls doing?’
    Thomas was keen to hear about Mary’s husband, Mark Reynolds, as the two men had bought taught subjects at the fleet academy on the moon before Mark went into politics. The two old friends continued their leisurely meal and by agreement did not further mention the up and coming deployment to the former Dradfer colonies. Tyr moved noticeably overhead as the lengthened into an early evening, and a mixed fall of snow and frozen carbon dioxide softly peppered the massive dome overhead.
    Admiral Baredio strode past the ornate doors and into the main meeting room on Cephrit Star Base 31 towards the ceremonial rug in Vorinne red that now covered the place of honour in the centre of the chamber. The admiral paused as he took in a shackled Barus prisoner standing against the far wall. He was aware that strict protocol governed this meeting and no excuses could be offered for a lack of courtesy to the Vorinne; second only to the Zronte overlords in the sector. The Barus admiral gave a very respectful full bow to Thatak’siema, kept his eyes downcast, and politely reported his presence.
    ‘Second Envoy, Admiral Baredio of the Barus ninth fleet reporting as ordered.’
    The Barus remained bowed as the second envoy struck the deck twice with her staff of office and replied.
    ‘Admiral Baredio, it has been many years, indeed too many years since we spoke. But first let me introduce my good friend Lord Malang’troh.’
    The admiral remained bowed and gaze averted as he acknowledge the lesser ranked Vorinne male also present in the meeting room.
    ‘Lord Malang’troh, it is my honour to serve.’
    Malang’troh gave a single knock of his own staff to acknowledge the welcome, but remained silent and still as the second envoy spoke again.
    ‘Admiral Baredio, we are grateful you honour us both with the correct forms, so you may now be at ease. The recalcitrant Tilmud High Admiral no longer even returns my calls let alone my orders. Of course you know our

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