Captured by a Gentleman (Regency Unlaced 6)

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Book: Captured by a Gentleman (Regency Unlaced 6) by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
    Ranulf was here, tasting and touching her as intimately as he had in her dream.
    “More,” she pleaded unashamedly as she rushed toward that explosive release. “Oh please, Ranulf!” she sobbed needily, her fingers clinging, digging into his shoulders. “Take me… Oh please, give me… more. ” She broke off with a gasp as Ranulf’s teeth bit into her engorged nipple and his fingers pinched the swollen nubbin between her thighs, sending her hurtling into a maelstrom of sensations.
    Darcy felt as if she were flying, her body shattering into a million pieces, before coming back together again, different from before. More alive. More sensitive. More knowing .
    Minutes, hours later, she gazed up at Ranulf to see his face was flushed, his eyes glittered like emeralds, and his lips were slightly swollen.
    The hard length of his arousal still pulsed and throbbed against her bottom, evidence his own desire remained unsatisfied.
    She moistened her lips. “Is there anything I can do—”
    “No,” Ranulf refused gruffly as he guessed what Darcy was about to say.
    “Why not?” Darcy gazed at him with huge dark eyes.
    She looked…debauched.
    And utterly desirable.
    Her hair was disheveled, eyes fever bright, cheeks flushed, lips plump from where she had chewed on them during the height of her release. Her gown gaped open at the top, revealing the fullness of her breasts and the engorged nipples, the skirt pushed up her legs to reveal his hand was still inside her drawers.
    Ranulf carefully removed his hand, not looking at her as he straightened and refastened her gown before he stood with her held firmly in his arms. He placed her on top of the cot bed before sitting on the side of it. “I should not have… We should not have… I should have remembered you are injured and in need of rest, rather than… You need to rest,” he repeated firmly.
    “You have needs too.”
    He swallowed before answering. The throb of his cock demanded he accept what Darcy was offering. Good sense said he could not. “My needs are of no importance. As you pointed out earlier, we are still in danger,” he added harshly as she would have protested. “I cannot allow myself to be distracted by…by physical pleasure when someone is set on harming me. Harming us,” he corrected. “You are now in danger too, simply because you are with me.”
    She gave a pained frown at the coldness of his rejection. “Who could be trying to harm you?”
    “If I knew that, we would no longer be in danger.”
    “Why not?”
    Ranulf gave her a pointed glance.
    The color left her cheeks. “You would kill them?”
    “If I have to, yes.”
    She swallowed. “We really are not safe here. We should leave. But how? We have the horses but no carriage. I doubt I could walk or ride very far feeling as I do now.”
    Ranulf stood restlessly, needing to put some distance between himself and the lush allure of Darcy’s body. Except he could still taste and smell her, on his tongue and the hand still damp from having caressed her pussy so intimately. She felt like velvet between her thighs, silky and wet, the nubbin above erect and throbbing. Ranulf wanted nothing more than to plunge his cock inside that velvet-soft pussy and ride her. Ride her hard. Ride them both to completion.
    Instead, he forced himself to concentrate on their present situation. “I could take one of the horses and ride to the nearest village or town for assistance—”
    “Oh please, do not leave me here alone!” Darcy instantly felt ashamed of her pleading tone. But the truth was, the accident, the intention behind it, had shaken her badly. Having Ranulf caress and stroke her to completion had shaken her even more.
    She had never…
    No man had ever…
    He was Ranulf. The man she had wanted for so very long.
    How could she possibly resist him?
    His rejection of her afterward was like a slap in the face.
    Ranulf’s expression remained hard and unyielding. “Alternatively, we could both

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