them. Instead of watching the happy resolution between the characters, Johnathan and Alexis were two teenagers making out while their parents were out for the evening. Leather creaked as Alexis pulled back to catch her breath. She tucked her thick tresses behind her ears and smiled at Johnathan.
    With a slight growl, Johnathan took the smile to be an invitation. He effortlessly snatched his date from the couch cushion next to him and settled her on his lap, straddling him. Sinking his head back into the top of the couch, he began to slide his hands up Alexis' thighs under her dress. Her hands flew to the interlopers and stopped them. She leaned in to kiss him and remained close.
    “I don't think we should have sex tonight,” she said.
    He groaned slightly and exhaled.
    “Is there an explanation?” he asked.
    Alexis kissed Johnathan's forehead and lifted herself up to stand just out of his reach. Johnathan felt the soft fabric of her dress slip over his hands as she moved away. Pushing his hands into the depths of the couch, Johnathan adjusted his body to balance on the edge of the sofa.
    “Don't you want to make sure that isn't all this is? The titillation of sexual tension between two long-time friends?” She grabbed her hair and twisted it up, using a black pony-tail holder he didn't notice around her wrist. Alexis picked up the dishes and carried them into the kitchen, placing then gently in the sink to make only a slight noise.
    Johnathan stood up and followed her with the coffee cups. “Hey.” Johnathan snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. “I'm not going to hurt you.”
    “I know.”
    “Mmmmm?” Johnathan snuggled his face close to hers, grabbing another kiss.
    Alex looped her arms around his neck and leaned back, seizing his blue spheres with her own chestnut brown orbs. “I don't want us to sizzle and fizzle out.”
    Johnathan burst out laughing. He twirled her around and pulled her into his lap as they sat at his kitchen table. “Sizzle and fizzle? Where do you get this stuff? First we can't tell anyone, now we can't have sex? I'm beginning to think you're ashamed of me.”
    Alexis lifted herself off his rather bony knee and turned to face him, hand on her hip. “When you put it like that, yeah, it sounds bad. But I can't...I can't screw this up.” She grabbed her purse from the counter and slipped on her shoes by the door.
    “You really have to go?”
    Alex kissed him and gave him her best smile. “I didn't bring a change of clothes and we have to work in the morning.”
    This sparked Johnathan's imagination: the two of them getting ready for work in the morning. Together. Fighting over the last bagel. Pouring each other a cup of coffee. His heart stirred and patience for her zany rules came much easier.
    “Let me grab my jacket. I'll walk you to the Metro station.”
    He held her hand the entire way and worried if she thought his escort was odd. Just before she walked through the point of no return and scanned her Metro card, she erased his worries. “Good night, Sir Johnathan. See you in the morning.”
    On his walk home, Johnathan made a call to a local florist he used to send Anna flowers and ordered a dozen orange roses to be delivered to Alex's office. If she wanted to be won over, then he was going to play along.
    Johnathan spent most of the work week in the lab with Eric working on the Hedis prototype. The circuitry was the most intricate projects contracted to date, and every design change took both of them putting their heads together. More than once Johnathan appreciated Eric's brilliance and regretted his MBA. It wasn't until Thursday that Johnathan received a missive from Kellie via email. Her first appointment was next week, on St. Patrick's Day. He checked his calendar and frowned. He had promised Alex a true Irish dinner at his apartment. How was he going to make dinner for her at 6 and still make Kellie's appointment at 3:30?
    He ducked out of his

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