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Book: Cake by Nicole Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Reed
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    Clearing my own throat, I reply stupidly, “I came.” Nothing else comes to mind. Dray not saying anything derogatory throws me completely for a loop. What’s even worse is, at that moment, he closes his eyes and smiles. Jeez, the man is good-looking. No, who am I kidding, he’s great-looking. But still an ass.
    “Can you rub my temples? My head is throbbing,” he asks, grimacing the entire time.
    Removing my hand from his, I stand and raise both of mine to each side of his forehead. His skin is soft and warm beneath my fingertips, heating me from the outside in. A fire starts in the pit of my stomach, causing my breath to hitch. I begin massaging gently, rubbing both sides. Closing my eyes, I let this attraction, oh my God, sexual attraction, run rampant. Electricity shoots from his skin to my fingers, down my arms, and, I swear, straight to my breasts, making my nipples tingle and ache. God, and it doesn’t stop as it lowers to pool within my va-jay-jay. My chest rises and falls faster as I continue to massage his head. Applying slightly more pressure, I continue to rub his temples in a circular motion. What the hell is happening? His slight moan of definite pleasure wakes me from my haze.
    Snapping my head to look at him, his eyes hypnotize me as they capture mine with a fire I never imagined to see from him. I retract both of my hands, staring at him as my heavy breathing betrays everything I have been feeling the last couple of minutes. Did I just mind-fuck my number one enemy who is currently an invalid? I have lost my ever-loving mind.
    After several minutes, I hoarsely whisper, “Is that better?”
    Finally closing his eyes, he mutters, “Yes. Much.”
    I’ve got to get out of here. I checked on him as requested, and this shit just got real and very weird.
    Shrugging I say, “Uh, I wanted to make sure you were okay, so I guess you’ll live.” I swear I sound like the village idiot. “I’m just going to leave,” I comment, motioning towards the door. Shaking my head, I start to turn, when, with surprising speed, he reaches out with his large hand to grasp mine again.
    “DAMN IT!” he yells, squinting his eyes tightly together. He places the palm of his free hand against his forehead and rubs.
    He looks to be in severe pain, so I lean in closer to ask, “Are you okay?”
    “I moved way too fast. I swear, every time I shift or speak, my brain hurts like a mother-fucker,” he whispers back, not opening his eyes. “Don’t leave okay?”
    He still isn’t even looking. What does he want from me? The doctor’s words run through my mind about causing him no distress. Glancing once again at the doorway, I know I shouldn’t leave him, but this instant attraction to Dray that I am feeling is freaking me out.
    Taking a deep breath, I reply, knowing I don’t have a choice, “I can stay.”
    Still not opening his eyes, I think he’s fallen back asleep, when his deep voice answers me, “Thanks, Kylie.”
    Within minutes, his breathing deepens, letting me know that he is back out. God, what just happened? My mind races as I think about what just transpired between us. Okay, calm down Kylie, I tell myself. Think about the facts. Dray has no family, and whether we like it or not, we’ve spent more time together than most families over the past several years, a dysfunctional family, but a family none the less. I can’t believe his latest girl toy is not here. Wait, now that I think about it, I think I heard he broke off their month long courtship last month. I am amazed it lasted as long as it did - a definite record for him.
    Sliding down into the chair I was sitting in before, I contemplate how long this is going to take. Trent said he would call back, but that could be hours. Leo is scheduled to open the boutique the rest of the week, and I have closing covered with Martha and Jess. The doctor said that Dray would need complete care

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