Cadence (Ruby Riot Book 1)

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Book: Cadence (Ruby Riot Book 1) by Lisa Swallow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Swallow
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The smile he returns is different to the one he’s thrown at the rest of the girls, a smile for me, a connection that somersaults my stomach. Men don’t have this effect on me; but I’ve never been smiled at by a rock star surrounded by people lusting after him, and his focus is me.
    This is bad.
    Very bad.
    However hard I try, over the next forty minutes I cannot connect this guy with the one I’ve met over the last couple of days. The amusement at Jax’s drunkenness, scorn over his presumed star status, the teasing, and the dancing around the chemistry fizzing between us is swept away by the inevitable. Something will happen between us. I don’t know what or when; but my big brother had better prepare to be mightily pissed off, because my body is screaming at me to get skin on skin with this guy.
    Ruby Riot’s set ends and the girl next to me jumps up and down screeching. She’s screamed the words of every song in my ear, quite a feat considering how bloody loud the band is from our position. When it’s evident Ruby Riot isn’t reappearing, she turns to her friend and they chatter excitedly before pushing forward through the masses, lining themselves up against the barrier ready for Blue Phoenix. They’ll have a wait; there’s at least half an hour between sets.
    Weaving my way through the stragglers to my new friend, Mac, I point to the edge of the stage. “All right if I go through that way?”
    I clamber over the barrier and edge to the backstage doorway, buzzing from the atmosphere I left. People mill around, transferring instruments and equipment on and off stage and the smell of dry ice lingers. A guy directs people, loudly, and I marvel at the orderliness of something so chaotic. The middle-aged man who appears to be in charge glances at me and I lift up the pass. He returns to his conversation and doesn’t address me.
    The cool of the backstage corridor is a relief after the heat of the crowds and dries the perspiration on my head and arms. Ruby Riot isn’t around, or Blue Phoenix, but loud voices and laughter travel along the hallway from a room with an open door. Still on a high from watching Ruby Riot perform, I can only imagine how they must be feeling.
    I head in the direction of the voices. I have to see Jax.
    Inside the room, Ruby sits on a large blue sofa with her bare feet on a low table. She’s happier than last time I saw her, face red and hair damp after her performance and she drinks deeply from a bottle of water.
    Jax, Nate, and Will are at the opposite side of the room, the twins lining up beers and Jax… Holy crap, I do not need this . A shirtless Jax looks over, his damp t-shirt in one hand. Toned, tattooed Jax, the curve of his abs glistening from his performance, a fantasy of the girls I left behind in the stadium.
    “Put a shirt on before she attacks you!” calls one of the twins and throws a clean tee in his direction.
    Jax catches it in his other hand, returning my look. My heated skin from dancing in the crowd warms further and realisation hits. Jax has moved from amusingly keen boy hitting on me, to impressively talented guy who can hit on me any time he wants.
    And he knows it.
    Oh, God, please put the t-shirt on. No, on second thoughts, don’t.
    “I’m not going to throw myself at him!” I retort.
    The guy giggles. “Hey, Tegan, isn’t it?”
    I break my staring at Jax. “Yeah. Awesome performance.”
    “I know, right? I’m Nate. You met me the other day when you were with Bryn.”
    “Sorry, I wasn’t sure if you were Will.”
    Will holds his beer in salute. “Nah, I’m the good-looking one.”
    “But you’re twins.”
    He winks. “You haven’t seen all of me.”
    “Give it a rest,” says Ruby. “Not every girl likes what you have to offer.”
    Jax remains silent, but I feel his scrutiny as if he’s touching my face.
    “Seriously, you guys are amazing.” Jesus, I sound like a breathless fan girl.
    “I didn’t expect to

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