Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

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Book: Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Parnham
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just moments before; but again it was not to be. Lifting
itself up with me sat upon it, the seat tilted forward forcing me to either
stand up, or fall.
    “ Sorry , must dash, my
shift is over, I do not work unpaid; I have already had a tiresome day and I
need to rest my legs”.
    With that, it and the other seats
ran off into the distance. Standing there for a moment, with my mouth a tad
open, I gawped in shock, blinking to make sure I was not sleeping at all.
    “Perhaps I can be
surprised? ”. I said to myself, as I backed away
    Turning away, I slipped my hand
into my woven pocket; looking for the room to rent notice I had taken, I
managed to slide my fingers into damp sludge. The good aspect was, the room was
in this area, the bad… it was above the slaughterhouse
that I had been looking at. Avis Aldebourne, journeyed from far away to be
slaughtered from below; perhaps that will be what they put on my tombstone.
    I walked over clasping my teeth
together; with one half of me thinking this is unwise and the other half
thinking this is unwise but you need a place to stay. I chose to submit to the
latter thought.
    Opening the door of the
slaughterhouse, a small bell rang, allowing the owner to know someone had
    “Hello, is anyone there? ”.
    With a few thumps of drawers and
a smash of a door, a stocky man came out to greet me. His hair, greasy,
forced down upon his forehead; stubble grew widely upon his face, leading
downwards to his chest, where it had opted to curl up, transforming it into a
rug like texture. He wore a torn white apron, with blood sprayed upon it, fresh
from his latest killing. He brought with him the stench of overused chamber
pots, of which I believe he was not too aware, due to his obviously inadequate
cleansing routine.
    “ Yes? What do you want? ”. He said to me rather crudely, touching upon my flesh with
his dirty, beady eyes.
    “I… saw the advert for a room on
the notice board? ”.
    “ Right and so what do you
want woman? ”.
    “Well it would be nice to
actually view it and if it is to my satisfaction, I will take it; I will
pay up front of course ”.
    “Do not come here with demands woman ,
I am Fredrom, you should learn that name; anyway, the room is not to rent. I do
not wish for someone of your kind in my home; now get out you trollop ”.
    “I beg your pardon; if that is
how you speak to women, no wonder you are here alone; a big ego for a small… ”.
    “I dare you, say it woman ”.
    “No, I am not going to lower
myself down to your level, I have plenty of coin, but none for your services, I
will go now, man ”.
    “ Wait, coin… you say? If
you could pay tenfold the usual rate I will let you stay; what do you say? ”.
    “I say I can and I would, but
perhaps you should grovel a little; if you want the coin that is? And of course
to please my ego”.
    “Well… ok then, I am sorry for being so harsh with you, now will you take the room? ”.
    “Perhaps you could be a little
more convincing? How about saying ‘Please my gracious queen, join me in my
abode, I am but your loyal, dumbfounded servant’”.
    “ No way ”.
    “Very well then, I shall take my
business elsewhere”.
    “No, wait; ok if I must. Please my
gracious queen, join me in my abode, I am but your loyal, dumbfounded servant”. He said in a somewhat irritated tone, whilst looking around the room,
to avoid eye contact.
    “Much better Fredrom, keep that
up and you shall be wedded in no time. Now here is a thousand coin, I
assume this will more than cover the fees? ”.
    “ Certainly , let me show
you to your room”.
    Following Fredrom, we went
through the back of the shop; the walls were filthy, covered in both blood and
dirt; the inners of his slaughtered animals were thrown within buckets, placed
under the hacked metal tables. We walked up a set of stairs, past a fair number
of the storage rooms, avoiding piled up boxes of salt and hazardous brushes
stretched out across the

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