Inquisitions, the Buddha’s clear message of yoga and asceticism was largely ignored while rival schools developed throughout East Asia. . . . Buddha’s Not Smiling is a stark reminder that when false teachings are introduced for political gain . . . only more ignorance, and ultimately violence will result. 25
Q: The type of Christianity described in this comparison is quite different from what I have experienced, which is a religion based on rules and guilt. Have I missed something?
There is a reason this question follows the discussion on hypocrisy, because hypocrisy is quite common in rules- and guilt-based churchianity. The next chart provides some contrasts between churchianity based on legalism and biblical Christianity based on grace and faith in Christ.
Churchianity Based on Guilt and Obeying Rules
Christianity as a Personal Relationship with Jesus
Obedience to Do’s and Don’ts is the highest priority.
Developing a growing and interactive relationship directly with Jesus is the highest priority.
Characterized by tedious memorization of Do’s and Don’ts and some Bible verses.
Characterized by interaction through prayer and personal Bible study and reflection.
Referring to publicized list of Do’s and Don’ts, or to priests/clergy, to decide how to act.
Looking to Jesus, and relevant biblical passages, for specific guidance in each situation.
Guilt over past sins creates an obligation to submit to priests/clergy to confess and atone.
Submission is directly to God instead of to clergy.
Fearing God and submitting to church leaders are both critical.
Worshipping God and giving him glory are critical. The focus is on the love and grace of God.
Main motivators are guilt and fear of punishment.
Main motivation is gratitude toward God that he took the initiative in seeking to rescue mankind from the penalty for sin (i.e., death and condemnation).
The ability to behave is based on self-discipline, with little or no help from God.
People are enabled by the filling of the Holy Spirit and being inspired by the love of God (in spite of our unworthiness).
The church is a building.
The church is an interconnected group of believers who worship and study the Bible together and pray for one another.
People focus on maintaining a façade of correct conduct and language, but there is little caring for one another, and a tendency to quickly judge others.
People share their real hurts and weaknesses in small groups and support one another in prayer, compassion, and forgiveness.
Q: How does “Christ Consciousness” differ from the Jesus portrayed in the Bible? Is it compatible with Buddhism?
How is “Christ consciousness” different from Jesus Christ? The first is a principle, office, or position that has been and will be held by many different people, while the latter is a single, historical person, Jesus of Nazareth. In the New Age, not only Buddha and Jesus have held this position, but also many other avatars, who are manifestations, or incarnations, of this exalted office, or position. In this sense, Christ consciousness and Buddha are quite compatible, and indeed related.
Christ Consciousness
The Biblical Jesus
Jesus was overshadowed at age thirty by a spirit of Christ consciousness when his public ministry began.
Jesus coexisted with God the Father and the Holy Spirit as the Trinity before he shed much of his divinity to come to earth and become both God and man on earth during his lifetime.
After Jesus’ crucifixion, he did not rise from the dead, or if he did, he did not rise in a physical body.
After Jesus’ crucifixion, he rose from the dead, appeared to hundreds, and then ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father. He will return at the Second Coming to establish his kingdom with a new heaven and a new earth.
Jesus was a “way-shower,” but not a savior to all mankind.
Jesus is Savior to all who accept and follow him.
Christ is the pattern that connects, a prerunner for all who follow
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