Broken and Screwed

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Book: Broken and Screwed by Tijan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tijan
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until after the game. He gets to run around and play during the entire thing, and show up on my arm all sweaty at halftime. It sucks being a girl.”
                  “I agree with that.”
                  Then she sighed. “Have you heard what Marissa’s plans are?”
                  When she started to stand up, but struggled, I caught her hand in mine and pulled her upright. Then I shook my head. “I don’t think she’s going to cheer tonight and change, just change into her dress in the locker room. That’s all I know.”
                  “I’d still like to know how she got Cord Tatum to come back to school as her Homecoming date. She’s got some balls for that one. I didn’t think any alumni returned to high school, especially if they went to Grant West and ran in the same circles as Jesse Hunt.” Angie laughed when she gathered her dress up once more to fit through my doorway again.
                  I stopped at her words and a shiver passed through me. She talked about him as if he weren’t a real person anymore. As she continued to muse about Marissa’s powers with the opposite sex, I realized that maybe Jesse had become nonexistent to her. He’d never interacted with her. He had only been another member on Justin’s sports team, whichever it was at the time.
                  When she continued down the hallway and down the stairs, I knew she hadn’t looked back.
                  I was still rooted in my bedroom. I hadn’t forgotten that Cord would be going to the dance with us and I hadn’t forgotten that he was friends with Jesse, but I hadn’t dwelled on it either. Now I couldn’t stop thinking about it and the idea of it; that I would be in the presence of someone connected with Jesse on a daily basis had me sweating.
                  I turned the fan on myself and counted from fifty to one.
                  I wasn’t going to see Jesse. This was ridiculous. What was wrong with me?
                  “Hey, get your cute butt down here. I want to get this night started so it’ll end faster. Hurry up!” I grinned as Angie’s voice caused my door to rattle.
                  When I went downstairs, I never stopped to look in the kitchen or living room. If anyone was in there, they didn’t care. I didn’t even think they were aware it was October.
                  When we got to the game, Angie waved and went one way. I went the other.
                  “Alex! Over here! Over here!” Ben pumped his hand back and forth in the air as he yelled over the crowd. He pointed to the seat beside him. “I have a seat for you! Over here!”
                  Some guys yelled at him to shut up, but my coworker beamed at me. He was dressed in our school’s colors, yellow and black. He wore a yellow hat, a yellow scarf, yellow gloves, and he even waved a yellow hankie in the air. His coat was black.
                  As I went through the crowd to his side, he clapped his hands from excitement. “Heya! I’m vibrating with giddiness tonight.”
                  “Why?” I brushed back my hair and tried to peer around the three guys in front of us.
                  “It’s Homecoming .” He spoke like it was the next up-and-coming invention that was going to change our lives. “Do you have a date? Wait. I heard that Eric Nathan asked you.” He nudged me with his elbow and winked. “Where is he? Why isn’t he sitting with you?”
                  I laughed and elbowed him back. “Because he’s on the Homecoming Court. They wait somewhere else.”
                  “Ooh. Wait. You’re his date. Don’t you have to go out there with him?”
                  “They paired him up with a girl who’s already on the Court. I don’t have to put my dress on until the

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