Breaking Dawn

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Book: Breaking Dawn by Donna Shelton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Shelton
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you, am I?’
    His voice sounds so calm and friendly. I haven’t heard this voice in so long, I had almost forgotten what it sounds like.
    ‘No, not at all. I’ve been worried about you.’
    I take the phone, stretching the cord across the kitchen, to look into the living room where Brian is sitting on the couch, and motion to him. He gets up and quietly walks into the kitchen and waits. I put my finger to my lips and he nods, understanding my gesture to stay quiet.
    ‘No worries, I’m fine.’ Perry says. ‘I know you have been leaving messages and stopping by. I shouldn’t have given you the cold shoulder like that. I’m sorry.’
    ‘I deserve it.’ I know that now is my time to pour out my heart to him. ‘Perry, I am so sorry about everything. I don’t want to fight any more. I want things to go back to how they were with us.’
    ‘Dawn, it’s okay.’ His tone is so calm, so forgiving. ‘Everything’s okay.’
    I should feel a wave of relief, but instead I am feeling a twist in my gut. I can’t quite putmy finger on it, but something isn’t right.
    ‘Perry, are you okay? Can I come over?’
    ‘Yes, I’m okay – and no, you don’t need to come over.’
    ‘I know I don’t
to – I
    ‘Have you read my manuscript yet?’
    ‘Yes. I think it’s great. You should get it published.’
    Perry chuckles. ‘Do me a favour? If you believe that it is really that good, can
find a publisher?’
    ‘Of course!’
    ‘But first I want to change the ending. I was hoping you could help with that.’
    ‘Sure, that would be fun.’
    Perry goes quiet. My stomach twists again as I wait out the silence.
    ‘Dawn – you know I’ve never stopped loving you, right?’
    There’s a change in his voice. And there goes my stomach again, feeling as though I can vomit right here on the spot.
    ‘Perry,’ I try to compose myself. ‘What’s going on?’
    ‘I just wanted you to know that I love you.’ He pauses. ‘And by the way, Brian is a good guy. You should give him another chance. He really does care about you.’
    I look over at Brian who is leaning his back against the wall, watching me, listening, waiting.
    ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Dawn. For that, I will always love you.’
    ‘Perry…’ I want to say more in my weak voice, but it is too late. He hangs up. I put the phone down and turn to Brian with asense of urgency. ‘Do you have the car?’
    ‘I need you to take me to Perry’s house. Something’s wrong.’
    ‘Let’s go.’
    Brian gets his hat and gloves and hurries out to start the car as I put on my shoes and coat. Before heading out the door, I check my pocket for my house key and then lock the door behind me, walking steadily down the slippery pavement to the car.
    Fighting the sickening knots in my stomach, I tell Brian how to get to Perry’s house and the fastest way to get there. Brian drives as fast as he dares on the icy roads.
    We pull up in front of Perry’s house in a matter of minutes and I jump out before Brian has the chance to take the key out of the ignition. I struggle up the snow-covered walkway and up to the door. Brian is coming up behind me to stand at the door with me.I try the knob. It’s locked. Just as I raise my fist to knock, there is a loud crack.
    I jump. My hand is frozen in the ready to knock position. I look at Brian; his eyes are wide and I watch all the colour drain from his face. Time seems to stop.
    I can only stand and watch as Brian wrestles with the door, slamming it with his shoulder, kicking the solid oak to no avail. Brian steps through the deep snow over to the window, takes off his coat and wraps it around his arm, then turning his face away, he punches through the glass. The glass gives way in large shards and falls away from the frame. Brian hops up and crawls through the window and hurries around to the door to unlock it from the inside. He grabs my hand and we walk through the

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