Bound to Danger: A Deadly Ops Novel

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Book: Bound to Danger: A Deadly Ops Novel by Katie Reus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Reus
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spent so much time here it was more like home than her actual house. The framed art on the walls had been done by various kids who’d grown up and moved on to become contributing members of society. One had actually become a famous artist. The others were just drawings, sketches, or paintings by kids who’d needed an outlet. Looking at all the art made with love, she swallowed hard.
    “Yeah,” she muttered, feeling like anything but a miracle. She felt almost guilty that she was alive and so many others weren’t. Pushing up from her chair, she stood, ready to head home, when the door to her office opened.
    Javier, a sixteen-year-old boy who’d been coming to the center for the last two years, ever since getting out of his older brother’s gang, stepped inside. Wordlessly he strode toward her and around her desk and pulled Maria into a tight hug. Tall for his age, he was almost six feet and still growing. With lanky arms he held on, though he was slightly shaking. “We’re all so sorry about your mom, Miss Cervantes.”
    Afraid she’d burst into tears again, she patted his back gently. “Thank you, Javier. That means a lot.”
    When he stepped back, he blinked rapidly, looking impossibly young for just a brief moment. “Some of us were here last night when the . . . when it happened. We all knew you’d gone to the party and thought . . .” He swallowed hard as he trailed off.
    It had taken almost six months to get Javier to open up to her or show any kind of emotion other than anger, but once he had, she’d learned more about his past thanshe figured anyone knew. She also understood that she and Leah were mother figures to so many of these kids who didn’t have one. Now they were more alike than ever before—but at least she’d had a loving mother for so many years. It was something she’d be holding on to. “I’m okay and not going anywhere, I promise.”
    He nodded, clearing his throat. “If it’s okay, most of us want to come to your mom’s funeral.”
    Crap, now she really was going to cry. “I’d really like that.” Maria struggled to continue, but thankfully Leah stepped in.
    “Come on, Javi. Maria’s got to get out of here. She needs rest, but I’ll make sure everyone is informed about the service and when Maria will be back.” She looked at Maria and mouthed
I’ll call you
over her shoulder as she steered the teenager out.
    Sighing, Maria decided to suck it up and go to her parents’. It was a Tuesday evening, so it was quiet at the center, but she’d left Nash in the gym with two adult volunteers and a group of twelve-year-olds to help referee their basketball game. Mainly because she’d needed some space from him too and she’d wanted some privacy with Leah. That was one of the great things about her friend: she didn’t need to fill silences, but she was always there no matter what. Maria had just wanted to soak up her friend’s support and strength while she could. Before she’d taken more than two steps from the desk, her door opened again and Cade O’Reilly strode in.
    And he was pissed. Alarm jumped inside her.
    She could tell he was trying to mask his anger, but it was clear in the harsh lines of his handsome face. Her heart jumped into her throat at the sight of him and shechastised herself for even noticing. But it was hard not to. The man was huge and sexy. Sweet Lord, why did he have to be so damn good looking? And why did she have to notice? The sleeves of his long-sleeved shirt were pushed up to his elbows, showing off all those tattoos and muscular arms. Arms that had held her gently while he comforted her. Inwardly cringing, she met his piercing gaze. “How did you find me?”
    His jaw clenched once before he answered, his expression almost incredulous that she’d asked. “I work for the NSA. Tracking your phone wasn’t hard. Why did you leave?”
    “I . . .” She thought about lying, saying there had been some emergency, but the lie wouldn’t come.

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