Bound by Decency

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Book: Bound by Decency by Claire Ashgrove Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Ashgrove
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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wrongs committed to him. Whether an innocent suffered was none of his concern. Plenty more had paid the unfortunate price of crossing his path. At least India could be grateful she still lived. He refused to concern himself with the triviality of her reputation. More important matters demanded his full attention.
    Matters like locating the bastard who’d sentenced him back to a rover’s life.
    What happened to India once they reached Nassau made no difference. He’d be free of her. Free to follow his own black-hearted soul. The day he delivered her to Old Bess couldn’t come soon enough.

    Bound By Decency
    C ain stalked onto the quiet decks and past a seaman who lounged near the mizzenmast. He nudged the man’s leg with his foot, his frown severe enough to spur the sailor to his feet. Between India ’s banter and her insistence she knew nothing about Richard, Cain’s temper was as black as storm clouds and every bit as dangerous.
    “Give a man a bit o’ peace, Cap’n. I be just restin’ me achin’ back fer a spot or two.”
    “Not on your watch, you aren’t. Step to, and mind your lines.” Cain gestured at the sagging mizzensail above the man’s head. “Trim your sail. Mind you, His Majesty’s fleet looks for us.”
    “Aye, Cap’n. Looks for us, they do.”
    With a curt nod, Cain dismissed the haggard young man and took his leave. He marched up the steps to the quarterdeck, higher still to the poop, where the mid watch helmsman, and Drake’s finest, looked over the crew. There, Cain breathed deeply, savoring the thick flavor of brine.
    “Fine night, Cain.”
    “It is.” If he didn’t allow India to linger in his mind, the night was indeed, superb. Leaning on the rail, Cain searched the moon-kissed waters. “Any sign of the warship we left behind?”
    “Nary a single lady in sight.”
    Behind the simple answer, censure rang. Cain couldn’t begrudge Stormy’s complaint. They’d been at sea three months now and had yet to snare a single ship. Granted, he’d forbidden raiding until they had captured India . But now the rovers’ restless natures hungered for the spoils of fat-bellied merchant vessels. While the men had food aplenty, and rum enough for three of The Kraken’s crew, they wouldn’t tolerate much more boredom. The thrill of the chase ran too deep.
    Cain closed his eyes to the breeze and felt the warmth of warmer waters wash over his face. The current drifted from the south, bringing with it the Caribbean winds. Further west, close r to T he C olonies’ shore, the waters would shift once more. He searched for the zeal he had once known, the careless spirit that reveled in the complete lawlessness of the ocean. But it eluded his grasp. All that reflected inside his soul was an ache that knew no end. A grief he dared not nurse and couldn’t hope to heal.
    He looked to the invisible shoreline, knowing what he must do to satisfy his crew. “Keep her westward, Stormy. In short time we’ll cross the merchant routes. Many will be returning for the first time since winter lifted. Their holds will be full, their crews small.”
    “An’ the coasts’ll be teemin’ wit’ ’ is Majesty’s finest.”
    “We won’t go that far.” Cain drummed his fingers on the smooth rail. “We won’t have to.”
    “Where be this traitor we hu nt? I’d like to set me guns to ’ im as well. Ain’t never cared fer the slimy bastard.”
    Cain arched an eyebrow. “When did you meet Richard?”
    Stormy shrugged whalish shoulders. “’Ere an’ there. Ain’t you figured why I signed on wit’ Drake fer this ’ appy occasion?”
    Confusion puckered Cain’s brow. “You’ve sailed with Drake as long as I’ve known him. I wouldn’t expect you to refuse.”
    Stormy glanced over his shoulder with a crooked grin. “Ye’ve fergot.” Whiskied laughter rasped through the relative stillness.
    Forgotten? Cain narrowed his eyes. For almost ten years,

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