Bobbi Smith

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Book: Bobbi Smith by Halfbreed Warrior Read Free Book Online
Authors: Halfbreed Warrior
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much time had passed. He kept watch as he did his job, hoping for a lead.
    The days passed quickly, and soon it was almost time for the Stampede.
    It was late one afternoon, and Randi was ready to put Angel to the test. Hawk was there with her as she led the mare out of her stall.
    “Do you think she’s healthy enough to make the run?” Randi asked him. She trusted his judgment about Angel’s leg.
    “She’s fully healed,” Hawk answered, glad Angel had made such good progress in the little over a week since she’d injured herself. He’d checked on her daily and done all he could to nurse her along.
    “All right. Let’s see just how fast we are,” Randi said, still feeling a little nervous.
    This was the moment she’d been waiting for. This was the moment she would find out whether she had any chance of winning the Stampede again.
    She saddled Angel and walked her out of the stable.
    Hawk followed Randi outside to watch.
    Randi didn’t say a word, but swung up into the saddle and rode slowly over to where Wade and several of the other men were waiting for her. Wade was holding a handkerchief to use as a mock starting flag, and he had his pocket watch in hand to check their time.
    “Are you ready?” Wade asked.
    “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Randi answered, her expression serious. “Let’s just hope Angel is.”
    She concentrated on what she had to do, ignoring all the ranch hands who’d gathered around to watch and cheer her on. It didn’t matter that she had an audience. All that mattered was running the course she’d laid out for herself in winning time. The Stampede was only two days away. She could delay no longer. She’d let Angel rest up and heal, and now the time had come to find out if she could still compete.
    Randi leaned forward and stroked Angel’s neck, saying a few soft, soothing words meant for her and her alone. Then she looked up.
    “All right, Wade. We’re all set.”
    Wade didn’t need any further invitation. He dropped the flag.
    Randi reacted instantly. She put her heels to Angel’s sides, and they raced off at top speed. They charged toward the far end of the corral and then circled around the back of the stable and the main house. Randi had charted the path carefully. She’d made sure it was as close to the same length and difficulty as the real race would be in town. Leaning low over Angel’s neck, she urged the mare on.
    As always when she and Angel were moving this fast, Randi felt as if they were flying. The moment was heavenly, and she was smiling in delight when they finally raced to a stop before Wade.
    “How did we do?” she asked breathlessly, believing they’d made good time.
    Wade glanced down at the watch. When he looked up at her, his expression was troubled. He gave a slow shake of his head before answering, “Not good.”
    Randi felt heartbroken. She suddenly feared Angel would never be the same, and she knew it was all her fault. “How far off our old time are we?”
    Wade tried to keep from grinning as he answered, “You’re ten seconds under your best time for last year.”
    “What?” Randi was shocked, and then immediately burst into relieved laughter. “Why, you . . . !”
    Wade and the other hands laughed with her.
    “I thought Angel felt good. She hit her stride.”
    “That she did.”
    “I guess I know who I’m betting on come Saturday!” Rob called out.
    “That’s right!” the other men all agreed.
    “It looks like we’re going to have to save back even more of our drinking money for betting on you!” another hand added.
    The men went on back to the bunkhouse to relax, leaving Randi with Wade and Hawk.
    “I don’t think there’s anyone out there who can beat you,” Wade told her with confidence, remembering how easily she’d won the race the year before.
    “Oh, I don’t know,” Randi said, looking at Hawk. There was a gleam in her eyes as she remembered their first encounter. “Bruiser’s a pretty fast horse. If

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