Boardwalk Mystery

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Book: Boardwalk Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
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headed toward the beach to distribute their flyers.
    Jessie and Violet walked up and down the boardwalk to hand out their flyers. Just as they had hoped, they saw Mrs. Reddy. She was wearing the T-shirt that they had given her yesterday.
    “Hello!” Mrs. Reddy waved to Jessie and Violet. “I am wearing my T-shirt,” she said. “How does it look?”
    “It looks very nice on you,” Violet said. “Green is a good shade for you. It matches your eyes.”
    Mrs. Reddy smiled. “Thank you, Violet. You are very sweet. Do you think anyone will come to Hanson’s pier tonight?”
    “Yes,” Jessie said. “Many people will come.”
    “But what about that sign on the Ferris wheel?” Mrs. Reddy asked.
    “We saw it,” Jessie replied. “But Mr. Hanson has taken it down. And we hope to figure out who put it there. A photographer has been taking pictures of the pier. She is dropping them off in the work shed at four o’clock. We will look through them later for clues.”
    Mrs. Reddy put her hand up to her mouth. “Oh my,” she said. “I wonder what those pictures will show. I better go. But I will stop by the pier later.” Mrs. Reddy hurried away.
    When Jessie and Violet got to Captain Cooke’s amusement pier, they stood outside handing out the flyers until Mr. Cooke noticed and came rushing toward them.
    “Get out of here with those flyers!” he said.
    “You are wasting your time anyway. Hanson’s pier is not safe and it will close before the summer is over.”
    “It is safe,” Violet insisted.
    “Didn’t you see that sign on the Ferris wheel?” Mr. Cooke said.
    “Yes,” Violet answered. “We saw it. But it is nothing more than a mean trick. It does not mean that the pier is unsafe.”
    “Then why would someone go to all the trouble to put that sign up?” Mr. Cooke asked.
    “We don’t know,” Jessie answered. “But we may have a clue.”
    Mr. Cooke’s eyebrows went up. “Really? What kind of clue?”
    Jessie explained about Ms. Mancini’s photographs. “She has been taking photographs all over the boardwalk. She has many of Hanson’s pier. No one really noticed that she was there. We are going to the work shed at five o’clock to look through the photographs. They might show who has been trying to ruin Mr. Hanson.”
    Mr. Cooke’s face turned red. “Those photographs probably won’t show a thing!” he said. “What time did you say that Mrs. Mancini is dropping off the photos?”
    “At four o’clock in the work shed,” Violet answered.
    Mr. Cooke turned away. “I have a busy night ahead of me,” he said. “I have to get back to work. And keep those flyers away from my pier!”
    After Henry and Benny were finished on the beach, they met Jessie and Violet at a lemonade stand on the boardwalk.
    The children bought lemonades and walked out over the ocean.
    “I sure hope everything works out tonight,” Benny said. “Some people on the beach said that they saw the ‘unsafe’ sign on the Ferris wheel.”
    “I think people will be curious about the free rides,” Henry said. “They will come and see how safe the amusements are. I just hope that there are no more pranks tonight. I hope our plan works.”
    Jessie took a long sip from her cool drink. “Violet and I saw Mrs. Reddy and Mr. Cooke on the boardwalk this morning,” she said. “We told them that Mrs. Mancini had some photographs that might contain clues as to who has been trying to ruin Mr. Hanson’s pier.”
    Violet nodded. “We told them that the photographs would be dropped off at the work shed at four o’clock.”
    “Mrs. Reddy loves to spread news on the boardwalk. I am sure she will tell many people,” Jessie said.
    “Now I get it!” Benny said. “The person who has been playing all the mean tricks will want to steal the photos in case he or she is in them!”
    “Exactly!” Jessie said.
    The children agreed that they would arrive early at the work shed to see who might show up after Mrs. Mancini dropped off the

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