Blue Shoes #1: New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance (Morris Music Book 6)

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Book: Blue Shoes #1: New Adult Rock Star Erotic Romance (Morris Music Book 6) by JJ Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Knight
so angry, thinking of them scheming about how they can get money from Dylan.
    The girls ask if I’m okay, and if I want to go home.
    I put on a brave smile and lie. “Just one more drink.” I nod to the stage, where the band is playing another set. “And a few more songs. It’s not much of a Bon Voyage party if we go home at nine.”
    Riley and Amanda cheer and turn to watch the singer introduce the next song.
    I space out, staring into my glass of water.
    The photographers are going to keep coming after us.
    My family is going to jump into the chase.
    For the rest of my life, I’ll be running from people who want something from me.
    What if I can’t take the pressure?
    What if Dylan can’t? Before we met, he’d been hiding away in a cabin for almost a year.
    He seems to be taking all this fame stuff in stride. He wasn’t even nervous about the Rolling Stone interview.
    But what if it’s just an act, and everything is about to come crashing down?
    Will he come and meet me in Rome?

Chapter 12
    I need to leave for the airport at four in the morning, so when I get home from The Roxy, I make some coffee and curl up on the couch.
    There’s no way I’ll get a full night’s sleep at home, so my plan is to stay up, then sleep on the plane.
    I click on the TV and quickly put on some old movies so I won’t have to see anything about me or Dylan on the late-night talk shows.
    Midnight comes and goes. Dylan still hasn’t returned from his Rolling Stone interview.
    I call his number and wait for his voice.
    He answers, but I can barely hear him over the background noise.
    “What’s going on?” I ask.
    “You didn’t get my messages?”
    “No, hang on.” I pull the phone from my ear and check for incoming text messages. Something must be wrong with my phone, because I haven’t gotten anything from him in days.
    I mutter about my phone problems, but Dylan doesn’t seem to be listening.
    In the background, I can hear a crowd chanting his name.
    “When’s your flight?” he asks hurriedly.
    “I have to leave the house at four.”
    “Ouch,” he says. “I’m sorry, Jess. My publicist called, and there was this opening tonight at the Avalon Hollywood. I’m going to try out some new material.” He pauses, just in time for me to hear someone announce his name. The crowd goes wild. “It’s important,” Dylan says.
    “Of course it is.” I try not to let my irritation show in my voice, but it still comes through. There’s no way he’ll be done in time and back home before I have to leave.
    “I’ll see you in Rome,” he says.
    “I love you.”
    “Jess, I—” The call ends before he can finish.
    I do a reset on my phone to see if my missing messages will show up. The phone takes forever, saying it’s downloading a software update.
    The living room feels chilly. I reach for a chenille throw and pull it over myself.
    I start the movie again and get comfortable on the couch. I would set an alarm clock if I thought I was going to get any sleep, but I’m wide awake.
    At four o’clock, Chet comes by the house to pick me up.
    He looks even more wired than me.
    We finish putting my bags in the trunk and I get into the passenger seat.
    “Dylan’s sleeping?” he asks.
    I explain that he’s probably signing autographs right now.
    “That must be awkward, dating someone famous.” He steers his car carefully down the winding streets, out of the neighborhood. “How do you really feel about sharing the person you love with the rest of the world?”
    “That part’s okay. He’s a bit of a workaholic, though.”
    Chet snorts. “Takes one to know one.”
    “I have a really cruel boss. He works me to the bone.”
    “Your boss isn’t so bad. He upgraded the seats to First Class.”
    “You did not,” I gasp. “But those seats are so expensive.”
    He checks the car’s navigation and turns in the direction of LAX. “You’ll understand why when we get on the plane.”
    * * *
    The flight to Rome is my first

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