Blue Moon

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Book: Blue Moon by Alyson Noël Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyson Noël
eat,” I remind him.
    â€œAh, yes. Good point.” He smiles, releasing my hair so that it flows back around my shoulders and drops down to my waist. “Though I’m sure we can find something else to occupy our time?”
    I smile, having already told Sabine that I’m staying at Haven’s and hoping she doesn’t try to follow up. She used to be so good about taking me at my word, but ever since I was caught drinking, got suspended, and basically stopped eating, she’s been prone to following through.
    â€œAre you sure you’re okay with all this?” Damen asks, misreading the look on my face as indecision, when it’s really just nerves.
    I smile and lean in to kiss him, eager to erase any lingering doubts (mine more than his), just as Miles tosses his bag on the table and says, “Oh, Haven, look! They’re back. The lovebirds have returned!”
    I pull away, my face flushing with embarrassment as Haven laughs and sits down beside him, her eyes scanning the tables as she says, “Where’s Roman? Anyone seen him?”
    â€œHe was in homeroom.” Miles shrugs, removing the top from his yogurt and hunching over his script.
    And he was in history,
I think, remembering how I ignored him all through class, despite his numerous attempts to get my attention, and how after the bell rang, I hung back, pretending to look for something in my bag. Preferring the weight of Mr. Munoz’s penetrating stare and his conflicted thoughts about me (my good grades versus my undeniable weirdness) to dealing with Roman.
    Haven shrugs and opens her cupcake box, sighing when she says, “Well, it was nice while it lasted.”
    â€œWhat’re you talking about?” Miles looks up as she points straight ahead, her lips twisted to the side, her eyes completely dejected, as we all follow her finger, all the way to where Roman is talking and laughing with Stacia, Honor, Craig, and the rest of the A-list crew. “Big deal.” He shrugs. “You just wait, he’ll be back.”
    â€œYou don’t know that,” Haven says, shedding the skirt from her red velvet cupcake, her gaze still focused on Roman.
    â€œPlease. We’ve seen it a million times before. Every new kid with the slightest potential for cool has ended up at that table at some point. Only the truly cool never last long—because the truly cool end up here.” He laughs, tapping the yellow fiberglass table with the tips of his bright pink nails.
    â€œNot me,” I say, eager to steer the conversation away from Roman, knowing I’m the only one who’s happy to see he’s abandoned us for a much cooler crowd. “I started out here from the very first day,” I remind them.
    â€œYeah, go figure.” Miles laughs. “Though I was referring to Damen. Remember how he got sucked over to the other side for a while? But eventually he came to his senses and found his way back, just like Roman will.”
    I gaze down at my drink, twisting the bottle around in my hand. Because even though I know Damen was never sincere about his brief flirtation with Stacia, that he only did it to get to me, to see if I cared, the images of the two of them standing so close together are forever burned into my brain.
    â€œYes, I did,” Damen says, squeezing my hand and kissing my cheek, sensing my thoughts even if he can’t always read them. “I certainly came to my senses.”
    â€œYou see? So, we can only have faith that Roman will too.” Miles nods. “And if he doesn’t, then he was never truly cool to begin with,
    Haven shrugs and rolls her eyes, licking a glob of frosting from her thumb and mumbling, “Whatever.”
    â€œWhy do you care so much anyway?” Miles peers at her. “I thought you were all about Josh?”
all about Josh,” she says, avoiding his gaze as she wipes some non existent crumbs from her

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