Blood Rubies

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Book: Blood Rubies by Jane K. Cleland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane K. Cleland
my eyes again.
    After a while, ten minutes maybe, I stood up and stretched. Cathy, the civilian admin who’d been there since before Ty had the chief’s job, sat at her computer, typing. Two uniformed officers, one named Daryl, the other one new to me, were reading over her shoulder.
    â€œHe’s a finance guy?” Daryl asked rhetorically. “I thought they all were in New York.”
    â€œNah,” the other officer replied. “There’s mega-money in Boston.”
    â€œGuys,” Cathy said. “Give me a break, will ya? I don’t need you two yapping in my ear.”
    They stepped away. I walked to the community bulletin board and was scanning a “Call for Volunteers” notice seeking help cleaning up the village green when the front door opened and a stream of people entered. Detective Brownley led the way. Officer F. Meade, a tall ice blonde I’d known for years, was last in line. I’d never heard her first name. In between were Heather, Chuck and Sara, a middle-aged couple, an older single woman, Ana, Peter, and Ana and Peter’s dad, Stefan. No one paid any attention to me. Ana looked poised but worried. Heather looked sick. Her eyes were rimmed in red. Her nose was even redder and mottled.
    Detective Brownley invited everyone to have a seat except Ana and Heather. She led Ana down a long hallway to the right. Officer Meade escorted Heather down a similarly long hallway that branched off to the left. Having been in the station before, I knew that interview rooms opened off both hallways.
    Peter approached the front counter and waited for Cathy to look up from her typewriter. “Where are they taking them?”
    â€œI wouldn’t know, sir.”
    â€œWho would?” he said, his voice low and tight, as if he were exerting control.
    â€œSomeone will be out soon, sir.”
    â€œLet me talk to the police chief,” he demanded.
    Cathy’s eyes widened. “He’s not available.”
    Peter slapped the counter, startling us all. I jumped and scooted forward, braced to flee. The others looked every which way, then moved closer to one another. I was tempted to join them. If Peter, foiled in his efforts to find Heather and Ana, spun around, ready to lash out, I, the only person sitting alone, would be an easy target. He half-turned toward me, considering his next move.
    Stefan, his expression wary, walked to the counter. Daryl and the other officer approached from the other side. Showdown at high noon.
    Stefan placed his arm around Peter’s shoulders. “What’s the problem, Pete?”
    â€œI want to know where Heather is. And Ana. I have a right to know. And this”—he broke off, staring down at Cathy as if she were dirt—“this woman won’t tell me.” He spoke the word “woman” the way I say “spider.”
    Cathy stepped back.
    â€œI’ll take it from here,” Daryl told her.
    She slipped away without another word, leaving the reception room, perhaps to alert Ellis to send in the cavalry.
    Daryl moved closer to the counter. “Sir, if you’ll just take a seat I’ll get someone to come out and talk to you.”
    â€œCome on, Pete,” Stefan said, patting his shoulder. “Let’s sit down.”
    Peter shook off his dad’s touch and grasped the edge of the counter as if he expected to be dragged away.
    Stefan stood his ground. “Don’t get excited for no reason.”
    â€œI’m not going anywhere, Dad.”
    Ellis appeared from his office. He scanned the group. “Thank you all for coming in. I appreciate your cooperation, especially during this difficult time.”
    Peter spun around. “Are you in charge here?”
    â€œYes. I’m Police Chief Ellis Hunter. And you are?”
    â€œPeter Yartsin, a friend of Heather’s and Ana’s brother. I want to see Heather now. ”
    â€œI understand. I’ll find out where she

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