Blood and Kisses

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Book: Blood and Kisses by Karin Shah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karin Shah
Tags: Romance, Ebook
to know is if you saw Lily the night of her murder? Or if you’ve heard anything from someone who did?”
    Heath shook his head. The light from the chandelier reflected off his tanned scalp. “I saw Lily when she came in, but I never saw her leave. As for hearing anything, I can’t say I have...exactly.”
    Thalia leaned forward, her fingers digging into the fabric-covered arm. “What do you mean?”
    He paused, as if reluctant to speak. “I don’t know if it has anything to do with the murders, but there has been an increase in bad omens, and there’s talk of something coming, something evil.”
    “Why am I just hearing about this now?” Thalia had always been the first to hear about anything of this nature. A feeling of disquiet sparked in her stomach.
    Heath avoided her eyes. “It’s nothing specific. Just rumors. They started a few days ago.” Right around the time that Lily died.
    Thalia let the subject drop and got to her feet. Clearly, he’d told her as much as he was going to. “Thank you for your time, Heath. Keep your eyes open. Whoever is responsible for these murders, I don’t think he’s done. He may not be able to feed on mages, but I doubt he’d hesitate to kill one, if he got in his way. If you should think of anything else, or hear any more rumors, I expect you to let me know immediately.” Thalia let a hint of magic creep into her voice, turning the words from a suggestion into a command. She was the Champion and keeping secrets from her was more than just ill-considered; it was dangerous.
    After he saw them out, Heath paced for a moment, then went to the telephone. He dialed, tapping his sandaled foot while the line connected.
    “It’s Heath. I thought you should know, the Champion was just here. She had that vampire with her.” Distaste tinged his voice.
    “As expected.” The soft female voice on the other end was calm and even. “You told her about the omens?”
    “It was necessary.” Heath rubbed the back of his neck. “She’s bound to find out and wonder why I hadn’t mentioned them. Her powers may be weak, but she uses what she has wisely,” he said grudgingly.
    “Yes.” There was a weighty silence, before the woman continued, “But can she handle what’s coming?”
    Heath took a deep breath. The rumors and Thalia’s preoccupation with Lily’s death had given him a long awaited opportunity. He hoped his proposal would be well-received. “I don’t think we should wait to find out.”

Chapter 7
    Thalia slid into the seat of Gideon’s car and pulled out the list of witches she’d compiled. Before she could open it, her cell phone rang. She glanced at Gideon as she flipped it open. “Hello?”
    “Thalia? It’s Ursula.” Thalia sat straighter in her seat. Ursula was a local psychic who had helped her in cases before.
    “Ursula? I thought you were out of town.”
    “Something called me back early. I heard about Lily. Maybe I can help.”
    The ancient smiled as he closed the cell phone. He stepped over the blonde’s body, kicked her legs inside the closet, and closed the door. He walked over to the hall mirror and focused his mind. His features blurred and melted before reforming. Leaning forward, he checked his make-up, fluffed his newly blond hair. Perfect. He’d have the Butcher and the witch exactly where he wanted them.
    Minutes later, Thalia and Gideon pulled up outside a small contemporary ranch. A pink neon sign in the window read, Psychic Readings. Some pains had been taken to soften the uncompromisingly linear façade of the house, mounds of purple and pink petunias lined the drive, ivy clung to the blond brick above the foundation. A fledgling clematis grew up a small trellis beside the front door.
    Ursula met them on the concrete stoop. Slender, blonde, and young, she had a trendy razored haircut and shiny red lips that curved up at the sight of Gideon. She barely looked at Thalia.
    “Who’s your friend, Thalia?” she

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