Blonde Ambition

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Book: Blonde Ambition by Zoey Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoey Dean
Tags: JUV039020
of them instantly realized that Anna could be their ticket to a guest TV appearance or, at the very least, an audition.
    “I can’t answer those questions,” Anna told Juliet. Juliet’s eyebrows shot up. “Can’t or won’t?”
    Anna polished her apple on her camel-colored cashmere sweater. “There are dozens of kids at this school who’ve been on TV or in a film. I just don’t see why my internship is of any particular interest.”
    “Come on, Anna. Anyone with a pretty face, buff biceps, or a parent in the business can be on TV,” Juliet said. “But
Hermosa Beach
is supposed to be the hot new show. There are billboards for it all over town. You’re working on it, and for one of the most powerful people in this town. In other words, Anna, you hit the Powerball jackpot, even if you’re too naive to know it, which I somehow don’t think you are. So about the interview—”
    “Juliet, listen. I haven’t even had my first day on the show yet,” Anna interrupted. “And I can’t do an interview without clearing it with Mr. Sheppard.”
    Juliet stood. “Whatever. If you don’t cooperate, I might have to do the story without you. And you know how misleading that can be. It might even come out wrong—like maybe you got the gig because you’re doing ‘Mr. Sheppard.’”
    “Because that’s just the kind of smut Beverly Hills High is apt to allow into their newspaper …”
    Juliet shook her hair off her shoulders. “You may have made it to the top of the Beverly Hills High social ladder in record time, but never doubt my ability to get things done my way,” she said as she smiled confidently and walked away.
    Unbelievable. A high school newspaper editor was threatening to do a libelous exposé on her? What was wrong with this town?
    As soon as Juliet was gone, Sam rushed over and sat down. “She wants to interview you,” she guessed. “For the paper.”
    “More like she wants to write something juicy enough for her tear sheets to make an impression when she applies for her next summer internship,” Anna guessed.
    “She’s a barracuda. But if you give her the interview, she probably won’t bite hard enough to draw blood.”
    Anna almost laughed. “Am I supposed to find that reassuring?”
    Sam waved an airy hand. “Don’t even worry about it. I can sit on her if you want. I know things she definitely doesn’t want known by the general public.” Sam leaned closer. “So how’d you pull this one off?”
    “I went to Apex to talk to Margaret—”
    “You were so sure she was going to fire you.”
    “She did, he didn’t. I think it’s some kind of power struggle. Anyway, Cammie’s dad walked in; ten minutes later he was asking me to intern for him.”
    Sam looped some glossy, perfectly-streaked-by-Raymond chestnut hair behind her ear, exposing her new eighteen-karat-gold double-tier drop earrings with aqua-marine and peridot from the Lauren Harper Collection. “So, how pissed off did that make Margaret?”
    “On a scale of one to ten, I’d say she was pushing eleven,” Anna admitted.
    “Good!” Sam laughed. “Guess who’s pushing twelve?”
    “Cammie.” Anna groaned.
    “Right on the first guess.”
    Anna spooned some yogurt into her mouth. “I’m not getting involved in her latest drama. If she’s angry at anyone, it should be at her father, not me. Besides, according to her father, she wouldn’t want my job even if she could have it.”
    “True enough, but—hold on.” Sam stood and waved her arms, trying to get the attention of a blue-jacketed man in his forties looking uncertainly around the quadrangle. “Hey! Over here!”
    The man heard Sam, turned and waved in her direction, and came trotting over. “Leslie Newsom?” the guy asked.
    “That’s me,” Sam confirmed as Anna looked on, baffled.
    “Lunch delivery.” The man handed her a plastic bag from a French restaurant named Le Morvan and then Sam quickly signed a receipt—Anna could see that she signed it

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