were so close to the hospital Kristen wasn’t sure it wouldn’t have been quicker to walk. She pulled up to the front where an orderly was waiting. He helped Chase immediately from the passenger side of the car, and in an instant Chase was inside the hospital, leaving Kristen heaving large breaths for several moments before she could gather her wits and look for a parking space.
She pulled the car safely into a narrow spot and headed for the hospital entrance on autopilot, even thinking to whip out her cell phone and call Margo.
A very groggy voice answered on the fifth ring. “Hello… Who is this?”
“Margo, it’s Kristen. I’m with your brother. He got a donor. We’re at the hospital right now. Can you come?” She spoke so fast she wasn’t sure Margo was even still there. “Margo?”
“Oh my God,” was all Kristen heard before a muffled voice revealed Margo wasn’t alone. Margo spoke anxiously to someone else. Was she still with Ryan? Kristen waited. After some shuffling, “I’m here. I can’t believe it. I’m heading there now.”
And then the telephone went dead.
Kristen entered the hospital and approached the information desk, already questioning the young woman behind it. “Do you know what room they took my friend to? I just left him off out front. Chase Edwards?”
The desk clerk seemed not to have any idea what she was talking about. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Let me see what I can find out for you. I didn’t notice anyone went by. I stepped away for a minute or two.”
The impatience pumping through Kristen’s blood was driving her crazy. She didn’t want to snap at this woman, who seemed to be the sole person conducting Kristen’s life at this moment, with a bit too much lassitude for her personal taste. Kristen stood next to the desk, unable to keep her foot from tapping, rubbing her hands up and down her chilled arms.
After what seemed like an endless stretch of time, an orderly arrived to usher Kristen through several doors and hallways. Finally, they rounded a corner and entered a pre-op room filled with rows of beds intended for those waiting on surgeries, empty now, except for Chase, because it was the middle of the night. Chase was already prepped and lying on a gurney. A young blond orderly in dark blue scrubs stood next to him and paused to give Kristen a moment before wheeling him away.
“Chase?” She cupped his hand in hers, feeling the sting of tears. “I’m so happy for you. Margo’s on her way.” She wouldn’t be here. She had to leave, now . Before Margo showed up and it got even more difficult.
“Kristen.” He reached for her hand, squeezed it. He was sweating. Trembling. Scared. “They said it would only take a few hours…to do the transplant. Can you stay? I have…so many things…I want to say to you…” His voice was trailing away.
The orderly looked up and smiled at her. “Sedative.”
Kristen felt a lump in her throat. Chase’s heavy eyes mercifully closed before she could respond.
The attendant pushed Chase’s bed from the room, leaving Kristen standing in the hall, her hand covering her mouth. A sob threatened to choke its way out of her. Tears ran down her face.
With a long deep breath, Kristen turned and walked down the hall back the way she had come just moments before. She knew she couldn’t face Margo, and her steps quickened at the thought of possibly never seeing Margo or her wonderful brother again.
Chapter Four
“Well?” Chase turned his head in the direction of the door to his room. He’d recognize Margo’s soft step and fresh scent anywhere. With his eyes still bandaged for another day, he really had no way of knowing how successful the surgery had been. Waiting was driving him insane. Worrying was making him even crazier. What the hell had happened to Kristen?
Did I do something to offend her?
He had expected her to be standing by his side when he came out of surgery. He didn’t know why.
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Tim Parks
Joan Boswell
Julia Glass
Jq Allan
Tori Carrington
Susan Swan
Jim Newell
Charles Sheehan-Miles