Black Cat and the Accidental Angel (Black Cat Mysteries Book 3)

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Book: Black Cat and the Accidental Angel (Black Cat Mysteries Book 3) by Elaine Faber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Faber
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Sierras raced downhill, tumbling over moss-covered rocks. Shrubs bursting with yellow flowers hung over the riverbank, their branches trailing into the water. From time to time, a petal would tumble off and float down river.
    Black Cat’s gaze followed the petal until it disappeared into a semicircle of rocks along the embankment. There, the petal gently swirled and came to rest against a dozen other petals, lining the water’s edge, like foam on a root beer soda. Tiny fish flitted through these gentle pools, just beneath the surface, sometimes stirring the sparkling sand.
    What a lovely sight. Angel was right. If they couldn’t go home again, there wasn’t a nicer place to live than here on the ranch with John and Cindy. But, didn’t that all depend on finding a way to help John save the ranch?
    Black Cat leaned down and touched the tranquil water. It rippled beneath his paw in a widening circle until it reached a school of baby fish. At the first ripple’s touch, they skittered into the rock crevices, and sent the petals careening into the current, where they tumbled and disappeared beneath the rushing water. “Angel, come and see the baby fishes.”
    Angel sat straight and tall, her front paws together, her head held high, like an Egyptian goddess. “They’re called minnows. When they grow up, our persons catch them and eat them. They’re quite tasty, once you get around the little bones.” She gazed across the stream, like she was remembering a special moment. “Our persons slather them with butter and sprinkle salt and spices on top. Then they toss them on a barbeque grill until their outer skin is all golden brown and crispy.”
    Black Cat could almost hear them sizzle. His mouth watered. The creek bed faded and another scene flashed into his mind.
    There was the house with the purple flowers over the porch. The house sat close to the shore of a crystal lake … Boats with colored sails were tied at the dock … Across the lawn, a row of cabins. There! The little girl with bouncing curls and the beautiful lady sat at a table on a cobblestoned patio. A tall blond man moved pieces of fish sputtering on a black barbecue grill. A black and white cat …
    Black Cat threw up his head. “I remember a barbecue. It must have been my family…and a lake and boats. I remember! I think I was—”
    The sound of feet crashing through the bushes interrupted his memory. Someone’s out there.
    “Here, duck behind this log. Someone’s coming.” Black Cat crouched beside Angel.
    Just beyond the bushes—the faint outline of two people. Tree branches obscured their faces, but their voices could just be heard over the sound of the water as they came closer to where the cats were hidden.
    “So, let me get this straight. Just exactly how far should I push him? Things could get ugly.” A shock of dark blond hair was visible through the leaves.
    Black Cat peeked over the log and strained to hear the muted voices as they moved further away.
    “Do whatever it takes. The bank…already…foreclosure. Put more pressure… I need him to see things my way before… With the laws…take five or six months…evict him. I don’t want to wait…”
    “Trust me…come to his senses. I’ve got a few ideas…” The blond man laughed.
    “Do whatever you…careful…hurt Cindy.”
    Black Cat glanced at Angel. They know Cindy’s name? John’s troubles were bigger than they had guessed. Why these people were in such a hurry to get control of a non-producing vineyard and a dozen Emus that hadn’t yet hatched a chick was a puzzle. Was there something else of value on the land? These two weren’t fooling around, and somehow it involved Cindy. How could they think about leaving if she was in danger?
    “Come on. Let’s follow them and find out what they’re up to.” Black Cat hopped over the log.
    Angel followed on little cat feet behind the mysterious figures.
    The tall blond man shuffled along the riverbank, his hands stuffed in

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