Bite Me!

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Book: Bite Me! by Melissa Francis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Francis
both calling to me, but I couldn’t seem to come back to them. I couldn’t find them.
    I heard a smack and my face stung. “AJ, dammit! Wake up,” Mom yelled.
    The connection was finally broken, and I collapsed back in the chair, exhausted. I looked at Octavia’s face, and a sense of dread bloomed inside me.
    â€œDid I bite Noah?”
    â€œHoney, something definitely happened, but I have no idea what. I couldn’t tell if that was a real memory or a dream. This has never happened before,” she said. “I saw you running, I felt your panic, but your thoughts were blank. Empty. There was nothing but fear and anger. And blood.”
    She picked up the Clearbite Easy test and said, “The good news is, the test is negative.”
    â€œYeah, but with only a seventy-five percent accuracy,” I said. “And I did slice his tongue, so shouldn’t it read positive?”
    â€œThe DNA transfer happens when you actively injectsomeone with your venom. An incidental slice to the tongue wouldn’t do it,” Tave assured me.
    My mom looked at me. “If Octavia’s test says you didn’t bite Noah, then I believe it.”
    I wished I could be so sure.

Chapter 9
    O ctavia had left and I was finishing off a hemoshake trying to recover when the intercom buzzed.
    â€œExcuse me, Liz, I’m sorry to interrupt, but there’s a police officer here asking to see AJ.”
    â€œJust a moment, Laura,” Mom said. She walked around the desk and held my hand tightly. “You don’t have to speak to him yet if you’re not ready.”
    â€œWhy would he want to speak to me?”
    â€œI’m sure they’re interviewing all the kids at the party. Like I said, if you’re not ready—”
    â€œNo. I’m fine. Just don’t leave me.”
    Mom opened her office door and invited the officerinside. My nervousness zipped out of me when I saw Cody Littleton. Thank God it wasn’t the big dog, Sheriff Al Christopher. Cody is just a couple of years older than me, so he is a puppy compared to Big Al.
    â€œThank you, ma’am,” Cody said, removing his tan deputy hat as he entered the room. His reddish brown hair is cut military short, which would be intimidating if it weren’t counterbalanced by his freckled face and soft green eyes.
    â€œHiya, AJ,” he said with a nod.
    â€œHey, Cody.”
    He walked over to the couch and sat next to me, placing his hat on his lap. He played with the rim like he was nervous. “I’m real sorry about your friend. And I’m even sorrier that I have to ask you some questions.”
    â€œIt’s all right.”
    He pulled out his spiral notebook and flipped through a couple of pages. “Several people reported that they saw you and Noah together on Saturday night. Is that true?”
    I glanced over at Mom, and she reassured me with a smile. “Yes,” I answered.
    â€œHow together were you?”
    â€œWhat do you mean, Cody?” my mother snapped.
    He glanced nervously from his notebook to me to mymother. “I’m sorry, Dr.—”
    â€œIt’s Fraser now,” Mom said, when he hesitated at her last name.
    â€œDr. Fraser. I do apologize for having to ask such an indelicate question. But we have reports that AJ and Noah were quite close on Saturday night, if you get my drift.”
    My cheeks burned red—almost as red as Cody’s. Maybe having Mom stay for my questioning wasn’t such a brilliant idea. Nothing quite like being questioned about your sex life in front of your mom by the southern version of Ron Weasley.
    â€œI get your drift just fine, young man. What does that have to do with his death?”
    â€œWell, ma’am. It seems your stepson was seen with Noah, too.” He cleared his throat. “He apparently caught AJ and Noah in a compromising position. We have reports that Ryan was jealous and angry. And since he was

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