BIG SKY SECRETS 01: Final Exposure

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Book: BIG SKY SECRETS 01: Final Exposure by Roxanne Rustand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxanne Rustand
Tags: Christian Romantic Suspense
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were no other customers in the store, so Erin brought a couple of cups of coffee over to the table and pulled up a chair. “Can you take him there again sometime?”
    “Definitely.” A corner of Jack’s mouth lifted. “If I had the right place back in Texas, I’d bring that pony home with us.”
    “That would be any little boy’s dream.”
    “It seemed to make him genuinely happy for the first time in months. He’s been talking more lately,but most of the time he still seems so distant—like he feels totally alone.”
    At the depth of emotion in Jack’s eyes, Erin reached across the table to cover his hand with her own. “But you do so well with him. Anyone can see that.”
    “On the surface, maybe…but I don’t know how to get through to him, not really. Last night he fell over his Lego blocks and scraped his knee. He would’ve run to Janie or Allen for comfort, but he doesn’t ever come to me. He’ll go off behind the sofa to cry until I find him.”
    The image of the child, still struggling so desperately with his grief, made Erin’s eyes burn. “He’ll come around in time, won’t he?”
    “The counselor back home said this trip would help us bond, but maybe she was wrong. Maybe it won’t ever happen, no matter what.” He stared out the window toward the empty highway and the mountains beyond. “If we head for Texas sooner than planned, I’ll still pay the full three months’ rent.”
    Texas. Erin felt her heart squeeze. “Why would you go back early?”
    “I’m trying my best to make him happy, but I’m starting to wonder if he misses being with other kids, since he was in preschool last year.” He gave a deprecating laugh. “And despite the disaster with Ted, I’m still trying to run a business…or what’s left of it.”
    “Is anyone in your office while you’re gone?”
    “My secretary is more efficient than anyone I know, and she’s keeping everything afloat. But the dial-up Internet connection here is slow, and without everything in my own office at hand, I’m not nearly as productive.” He lifted a shoulder. “Every day she asks me when I’m coming back.”
    “And you tell her…”
    “Still December….so far.” He leaned back in his chair and studied her. “I just really wish I had some better options for Max. He must get bored, with only me to play with—and I have to work on my computer way too much.”
    “So if you had some good alternatives for Max…”
    “I wouldn’t think twice about staying if I knew it was the right thing for Max. I never knew Montana was so beautiful.”
    “Good.” She grinned. “Then do I ever have a great alternative for you!”

    “I sabelle?” Jack’s heart lifted with sudden hope.
    “She’s good with children?”
    “The best. She was a teacher for over forty years, and they practically had to drag her out of the building when it was time for her to retire. The kids loved her. Now she does day care, and her waiting list is about a mile long. She’s babysitting the kids and grandkids of some of her old students, even.”
    Just that fast, Jack felt his hopes plummet. “Then there’s no way she’d have a place for Max—especially since he’d just be there occasionally.”
    “That’s the key, though. I called her this morning, thinking you might need some extra help now and then. One of her part-time kids has moved away, and she’ll let you take that spot if you want it. When you leave, she’ll fill it with a more permanent arrangement.”
    “That’s unbelievable. Max will have a chance toplay with other kids, and he won’t have to be so bored while I’m working. Thanks!”
    “No problem. I think it helps everyone, really. She’s got a boy just about his age who would love to have a playmate.”
    Jack wanted to do more than say thanks. He wanted to give her a hug, and then kiss her for good measure. But this was a business relationship, nothing more.
    And if he let that line blur,

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