Beyond Love Lies Deceit
with me?
    “No need. I can call a cab.” She says, leaning forward to lay a brief kiss to his cheek. “We will talk later.” She tacks on, patting her palm lightly against his chest before turning towards me. “Luke.” She nods, blushing again the moment her eyes meet mine.
    “Miss Reynolds.” I nod in return, addressing her professionally.
    She quickly passes me, her eyes once again meeting mine for just a fraction of a second as she does, and then she’s gone, disappearing into the darkness.
    “What the fuck Luke?” Ryan’s voice completely changes the moment he’s sure Allie is out of earshot.
    “What?” I play innocent, crossing the deck to where the two clearly had dinner.
    Picking up the half empty wine bottle, I put it to my mouth and take a large drink before turning back towards Ryan.
    “Pulled out the big guns did you?” I ask, looking at the wine label. “How does Dad feel about you drinking his private stock?” I ask, setting the bottle back onto the table.
    “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” His eyes are wide like he can’t believe my nerve. “What the fuck was that Luke?” He gestures to where Allie just exited a few moments ago.
    “Well since both you and our father refuse to answer your phones, you really left me no other choice.” I finally answer him.
    “This has nothing to do with anything other than Allie. You’re pissed that she was here.” He accuses.
    “I actually had no idea that you were out with Miss Reynolds tonight.” I answer truthfully. “I told you, I came here looking for Dad. I have a few important details I need to discuss with him about the Cyntech buy out.”
    “Dad never comes here and you know it.” He bites.
    “Well considering I had already checked his house and the office, I thought it was worth a shot. As I said, I have some very important information on Cyntech.”
    “And it couldn’t wait until morning?” He spits, clearly finding my timing suspect.
    “Actually no. I mean, unless he’s okay with us being cut out by Thomas Harding.” I answer casually with a shrug.
    “What the fuck does Harding have to do with anything?” He bites.
    “Only that his company made a play to outbid us under the table. I have a contact at Cyntech that strongly advised we close in and make a better offer before they sign tomorrow morning. I need to draw up the contracts and have Dad get in touch with them to close this deal before Harding pulls the rug right out from underneath us.” I explain.
    “Who knew Harding had such a backbone? I’m actually kind of impressed.” Ryan nods in appreciation, my news somewhat distracting him from his anger at me for interrupting his date. “I’ll get in touch with Dad.” He nods, crossing the deck to retrieve his phone from the table.
    “I will draft another contract and leave the numbers blank until I hear from one of you. And Ryan.” I turn, pinning my eyes directly on his. “Don’t fuck this up. I need a phone call in the next hour if you expect me to have time to cover all the bases before you make the proposal to Cyntech.”
    “I’m not stupid Luke.” He doesn’t try to hide his displeasure over my comment. “Dad is working me into the CEO position for a reason.”
    “Then maybe you should start showing me what those reasons are because for the life of me, all I see is an immature spoiled brat who can’t prioritize business over getting some.” I spit, quickly exiting the yacht before Ryan can reply.
    I try to shake off the image that seems embedded in my brain; the sight of Allie and Ryan locked together still so fresh in my mind. While I disapprove of my brother’s antics with women employed by ScoTech, I have never really cared before now. There’s something about this woman. Something that makes me want to spare her the wrath that follows a relationship with my brother. But even I know that’s not all there is too it.
    My stomach tightens at the thought of what might have happened here

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