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Book: Betrayal by Aubrey St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey St. Clair
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still drained from a long night of fluid loss.  We really only managed to watch half of a movie.  Apparently spending the whole night naked turned out to be very distracting for both of us, and neither of us could concentrate on the television. 
    Parched, I push myself out of bed and walk into the other room to get a bottle of water from the mini fridge.  After a long drink I sit down on the couch, pulling my phone out of my purse to see if Evelyn had anything else to say after I left the conversation last night.
    Turns out she did, but most of those messages were buried under an avalanche of missed calls and other texts from Harrison who was frantically trying to reach me when he noticed I didn't show up for the flight.  I wince at that.  I should have probably warned him I wasn't going back.  The flight was due to leave at ten so he was already in the air and who knows what he was thinking.  Still, he's been an asshole and I'm kind of happy he's worried about me.  Serves him right.
    I skip his messages for now and scroll through Evelyn's.  She wasn't happy that I wasn't coming home either, but she totally understood and sounded a bit jealous.  She made sure to note numerous times that she expected a complete blow by blow when I got home, and the fact that he's tweeting about me and I'm skipping my flight for him means that she's not going to accept any excuse from me that there is nothing to tell.  I just shake my head and smile, imagining the things I could tell her when I got home.
    It surprises me that Harrison didn't call Evelyn to ask if she'd heard from me, so I jump back over his messages to see if he mentions doing that.  If he did, I can stop feeling guilty about not telling him.  Despite how he treated me and the fact that I'm sort of happy to hear that he seems to be genuinely worried about my safety, I do feel bad that I completely forgot to let him know that I wouldn't be there today. 
    I don't see anything in any of his texts to indicate that he thought of talking to Evelyn, so I switch over to the voicemails he left.  He does sound worried, making me feel even more guilty, until I get to the last one where he mentions his intention to call my parents as soon as he lands to find out if they had heard from me.  Of course he wouldn't call them before he got on the plane.  Too cheap to pay the long distance charges on his cell phone.  So maybe he wasn't quite as concerned as I thought.
    Still, if he does call my parents they are liable to do something crazy like contact the US embassy or something, so I decide to call him back to at least let him know I'm still alive.  Besides, with him already on the plane I at least won't have to actually talk to him directly.  I certainly want to avoid the real reason I'm staying.  That's still not a conversation with him that I'm ready to have.
    It takes me a minute to mentally compose what I'm going to say.  I need something that sounds clear and final, but without giving away too much.  I don't really want to lie to him, he'll find out about Chase eventually, but I don't really want to tell him about us just yet either.  I have the advantage in being able to leave it as a message and not have to worry about him peppering me with questions.  I'm not a great liar.
    I dial his cell, trying to keep the rough monologue in my head and hoping I won't sound like a fumbling idiot trying to dance around the most important part of the story. 
    It only rings once.
    "Hello?  Lila?  Where the hell are you?" comes Harry's unrecorded voice.

    I'm silent, caught by surprise at having Harrison actually answer the phone when I was completely expecting his voicemail.  The clock on the desk across from me says ten thirty seven.  Why the hell isn't he already on his way back to Toronto?
    "Lila?  Are you there?  I hope you're on your way to the airport.  The flight was delayed but they're  expecting to board in a few minutes.  Where

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