within a matter of days and become another people entirely?
I’d have said it was impossible, except I know from the reports that it isn’t. While the Christians don’t have our understanding and control of magic, they have strange powers of their own. They’ve come from far across the world, winning over most of those they met along the way. Common sense suggested we’d be no different, no more immune to their persuasive spells than any other clan.
We thought Christianity was the worst disaster that could befall us. Then the demons attacked and we realized there were far greater enemies in the world than the followers of the god they call Christ.
Creeping up to the door of the church. I sense power within. A dark, throbbing, painful power. It gives me a headache. This church doesn’t have the natural feel of our own holy places. It’s a building of power but not magic.
We stop at the door of the church, unwilling to enter in case demons are inside. I thought a church would be protected from the Fomorii, like the ring of stones. But as powerful as they are, Christians lack the skills of the Old Creatures, because it’s obvious this church has been attacked and demons have been at play.
We can see the mess through the open door. Blood everywhere. Bits of human bodies. A man’s head — maybe a priest’s — stuck on the tip of a spear set in the center of the church. Eyelids ripped off, eyes gouged out, demonic symbols scrawled in blood across his forehead and cheeks.
“I’ve never seen demons do this,” Goll says, scratching the flesh over his own lost eye. “They usually strike and kill, make off with the bodies they want, leave the others just scattered around. This is different.”
“It’s like what we do with our enemies after a battle,” Fiachna agrees. “If you add this to the trap they built around the ring of stones, there’s only one conclusion. Tiernan was right — they’re becoming more intelligent.”
I feel sick when Fiachna says that. If the demons start plotting, scheming, and fighting like humans, with their extra strength and powers they’re certain to crush us all within months.
We stand in the doorway a few moments more, studying the face of the dead man. Then we retreat, spirits dampened, and continue on our trek to Run Fast’s home, wondering if we’ll find similar scenes of chaos there.
Late in the evening. Worrying about the night ahead and where we’ll stop. It’s too much to hope to find another ring of magical stones. We’re tired from the march and lack of sleep. If we don’t find shelter soon, we’re in trouble.
All of a sudden, without warning, Run Fast darts ahead of us. He stops, looks back, and beckons hastily. “Bumpy frogs!” he shouts. “Run fast!” Then he tears ahead, disappearing through the trees.
“Looks like our journey’s at an end.” Connla smiles. “I thought we’d have a much farther march than that.”
“The gods must be looking down on us,” Goll grunts, then catches Connla’s arm as he goes to follow Run Fast. “Careful. Don’t forget why we’re here. These people are in trouble. There’s no telling what we’ll find. The demons might have them surrounded, like at the ring of stones.”
Connla hesitates, then takes a step back. “What do you suggest? Go in together or send a scout first?”
“Together,” Goll says after a second of thought. “To separate is to weaken. But everybody draw your weapons and tread carefully.”
When we’re all prepared, we advance cautiously, scanning the branches of the trees overhead and roots at our feet — sometimes worm-like demons disguise themselves as roots and snag unsuspecting passersby.
A couple of minutes later we come to a clearing and find ourselves at the edge of a lake. A crannog has been built on an island in the middle of the water. A small, fenced fort, containing half a dozen huts. There’s a sentry post built above the gate, and from the marks beneath it and here
Coris/ciro Sceusa
Lisa Adams
Brandi Glanville, Leslie Bruce
Dorthe Nors
Cammie McGovern
Becky Young
Morgan Blayde
Taige Crenshaw
Brynn Paulin, Keaton Quist