Beauty Tempts the Beast

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Book: Beauty Tempts the Beast by Leslie Dicken Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Dicken
Tags: Romance
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    His lips twitched. “Answer the question, Vivian. Either with a lie or the truth, but answer it.”
    “Very well then.” That chin tilted ever so slightly. “I will admit that I do enjoy them.”
    The truth. And the answer pleased him. “Did you enjoy my caresses?”
    Her cheeks flushed. “Is this a test of my abilities or a need to satisfy your opinion of yourself?”
    Ashworth grinned, but did not reply to her question. “You will answer.”
    “Very well. I do enjoy them.” Another truth.
    He took a step closer, close enough to thread his fingers through her hair if he chose. Instead, he crossed his arms. “Would you like me to touch you again?”
    Finally, he broke her. Cheeks blushed crimson. “No. No. No.” And yet her pressed lips and averted eyes exposed her lie.
    “Vivian, did something happen in the corridors last night?”
    She gasped, obviously not expecting the question. “No. Nothing.” And yet, her expression had not changed from the previous question. A card player, she was not.
    He quirked an eyebrow. “You are not telling me the truth.”
    She slid him a resigned glare. “Well, I did see something in the upstairs servants’ hall. I can’t be sure what it was, but something watched me.”
    Aye, Harry. Still, he was relieved in that she did not recognize the small figure in the shadows. No one other than those living in this house could know about Harry. Ashworth could never risk the boy being taken from him.
    “You need lessons in how to lie.”
    Vivian sighed. “What is it you’ll have me do?”
    Clenching his jaw, Ashworth braced himself. He must demonstrate what not to do. He must touch her.
    “Have you finished with your breakfast?”
    “Yes.” She fixed her gaze upon his eyes, not gaping at the scar as others did.
    “Good.” Gently, he lifted her chin, the smooth skin a welcome answer to the rough texture of his own.
    “You must not look down or away. Keep your face steady, your manner confident.”
    Ashworth reached for her crossed arms, trying not to brush the tempting swells of her bosom, but was unsuccessful. His knuckles grazed the soft curve of the fabric. The memory of her breast naked and glowing flashed before his eyes. He remembered running his tongue along their valley, tasting her luscious splendor.
    Scorching heat blasted through his blood. Like a randy lad, he was instantly erect.
    He cleared his throat. “Do not cross your arms or lock your fingers. Remain loose and relaxed.” She let her arms drop to her sides. “Yes, like that and always look directly at the person, no glancing away.”
    Vivian nodded.
    Just one thing left to do. He grazed her warm mouth with his thumb, smiling at her hushed intake of breath. “No biting, licking or pressing on your lips.”
    Ah, those lips! He wanted to kiss them, taste her skin, lick her most feminine treasures. Like any man, he yearned for a woman’s tender flesh and sweet scent.
    He truly ached with need. But too many horrors had taken over his mind. The other night confirmed it.
    Vivian stepped back from him, her eyes shuttering to a quiet reserve. “So when Lady Wainscott asks of our impending vows, I shall answer her with my arms at my side, my chin held high, my gaze directly upon her and my mouth set in a smile.”
    He nodded, relieved the lesson was over. “That should do it.”
    A bell rang elsewhere in the house, prompting Ashworth to think of the time. It must be Harry or John calling for breakfast. Catherine would be here before long, escalating his life into further chaos.
    “Mrs. Plimpton,” he called, never removing his gaze from Vivian’s lovely face.
    She appeared nearby. “Yes, mi’lord?”
    “Clear up breakfast as usual.”
    “I should wrap it, mi’lord?”
    “Yes, then leave us.”
    Ashworth listened to his housekeeper package up food and scones for Harry, who liked to eat downstairs with the servants. As he waited for her to leave, he watched the vivid reds and yellows from the

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