Beauty Dominates the Beast

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Book: Beauty Dominates the Beast by Hannah Hale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Hale
Tags: Adult
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    A winding stone staircase appeared at the end of the hallway, and Bella raced down them as fast as she could, trying not to lose her footing. She could hear the moans loudly now, and her frantic eagerness to save her brother had overtaken the fear she had just moments before.
    Bella skid to a halt before hitting a large wooden door at the bottom of the staircase. Reaching for the handle , she pushed her way through the heavy door. It was dark and cold with a musty aroma wafting through the dingy dungeon. She quietly made her way to the origin of the moans, and stood stunned as she finally witnessed the alarming cause of her brother’s agony.
    Armand was chained, hanging from the ceiling, with a dozen half-naked women fondli ng his gorgeous body . S ome taking turns sucking his erect manhood and prodding his or i fice with all sorts of devices, while the beast watched in the shadow of the corner, relishing his agony with the satisfaction of fondling his own erection.
    “Stop!” Bella screamed, shaking in disbelief at the vile acts she was witnessing upon her beloved brother .
    The women froze at the sound of her voice, and the beast leapt from the corner pinning Bella against the wall.
    “No!” Armand cried seeing Bella pinned against the monstrous beast, “Leave her alone! Please!”
    The beast ignored him as he terrifyingly leaned over Bella. His heavy breathing brushed a wisp of hair from her face as he growled, “What are you doing here? A girl as lovely as you should know better than to come here.” The beast smirked in his arrogance, and bent down to lick her neck slowly.
    Bella shuddered at the unwanted act, her breasts heaving with the fear that had reappeared, and replied with all the courage she had within her, “I’ve come to ask for the release of my brother with a trade.”
    “And what exactly could be better than the satisfaction I am receiving from watching your brother’s shameful agony?”
    “No, Bella! You can’t, I won’t let you do that for me . Please make her leave!” Armand struggled, trying to free himself from the chains that bound him as he pleaded for his sis ter, but his pleas were ignored once again.
    The beast perused Bella’s luscious womanly form before agreeing, “Yes. Release him.” He quickly dragged Bella back up the stairs , and locked her into a beautiful room attached by a door to his own chambers.
    * * *
    Bella sat on her bed furious with the situation that Armand had created. She was relieved he was now released and on his way home to recover from the torturous night, but she was now stuck here without her own way out. She scanned the room, taking in her surroundings and spied a door on the far wall. Bella, curious about the randomly placed door, walked over to examine it. There was a small key lodged into the key hole. She tried the handle before turning the key. The strange door was locked. Bella moved her hand from the door handle to the key and turned it slowly. Hearing a click, she tried the handle again and the door opened.
    Peeking her head through the crack in the door, she peered into the room that she now knew was conveniently attached to her own. The room was empty and she stepped inside for a better look. Spying a framed portrait on the bureau, Bella picked it up wiping off the thick layer of dust and gasped as she recognized the face staring back at her.
    The portrait was a likeness of the lost prince. He had disappeared, never to be seen again, when the beast appeared out of nowhere ransacking and taking the castle as his own. The women of the castle were captured and forbidden to leave by the beast, using and defiling them to fulfill his sexual depravity.
    Bella set the portrait back down taking in the former chambers of the lost prince. The bed had been freshly made, but the other contents of the room looked like they hadn’t been touched in years. It was as if the room was forever frozen in time, unchanged since the prince’s

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