Beautiful Salvation
who might live out here. Or what.
    “There could be bears…giant serpents…” She tightened her grip on her torch, fighting the insane urge to throw it down. No matter what horrors she thought of, no matter how she tried to frighten herself into whirling around and racing back to her room like a sensible woman, she couldn’t help but peer into the forest…and hope there was danger there.
    “No one ventures into the forest at night. There’s no one out here to see, no one out here to hurt.” A weight slid from her shoulder and she closed her eyes, tilting her face up to the moon. The torch fell from her fingers and she opened her eyes as it landed on damp moss and rolled into a small puddle of stagnant water. Aiyana reach out her foot and rolled the torch, filling the air with the hiss of steam as the fire died under the wet assault. Smoke curled up to reach her nostrils and she stepped closer to the mouth of the tunnel’s exit, brushing aside the hanging curtain of ivy so she could leave the concealment of the tunnel and enter the forest.
    Cool air brushed over her cheeks and Aiyana drew the scent of the forest deep into her lungs. The wind breezed past her and she paused, holding very still. Voices. A voice. The wind was…speaking. She closed her eyes, straining to listen.
    He’s coming.
    The thought came into her head suddenly and her nerves spasmed in sudden alertness. A stick snapped, a sharp crack that shattered the silence. Aiyana’s eyes flew open. Adrenaline shot through her veins like liquid fire, her senses flaring to life as if she’d been asleep until now, as if everything up to this moment had been merely a dream. A new scent came to her, the smell of musk and earth. She sensed warmth near her. Without thinking, she whirled around, bent her knees, and threw herself at the intruder.
    A masculine grunt sounded as she connected with flesh and blood. Her hands closed around broad shoulders and she held on, gripping her would be attacker and holding on. Her momentum carried them both to the ground and she parted her legs to straddle the stranger’s slim hips on the way down, simultaneously reaching up a hand to wrap around his throat. Adrenaline burned through her and claws erupted from her fingers. The sweet scent of copper perfumed the air. Her vision grew sharper and suddenly she could see as clearly as if it were daylight. Her dark hair fell in a curtain around her, leaving her with no distractions from the surprised face staring up at her.
    Dark eyes like bottomless pits. Brown skin with garnet undertones, an aquiline nose, and ebony hair that had been shorn too close to his head. Full lips parted as he breathed, still calm despite her impromptu attack. He was…beautiful. She clenched her jaw, shoving the last thought aside.
    “Who are you?” she demanded. Her voice had a high, whining quality that spoke of something more animal than human. Spots caught her peripheral vision and she glanced at the hand she had wrapped around the stranger’s neck. Rich golden fur covered with delicate sable rosettes. Jaguar fur.
    Excitement lit inside her. She’d never let her powers out this far, never been in a position where it was safe to. But she didn’t have to fight it now. And she didn’t want to, didn’t care. All she cared about was the smell of blood and the driving urge inside her to dig her fingers into his neck a little further, spill more of that crimson sustenance to the ground. The earth was thirsty. She’d never been more sure of that than she was right now, in this moment…
    The man beneath her didn’t answer her question. He thrust his body up to buck her weight off instead, muscles coiling under skin and clothes, broadcasting strength and reserved power. Distracted by her bloody thoughts, Aiyana could only curse as he managed to throw her off of him and get to his feet. Her temper sparked and energy prickled over her skin. Not bothering to fight

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