Barbara Graham - Quilted 03 - Murder by Music

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Book: Barbara Graham - Quilted 03 - Murder by Music by Barbara Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Graham
Tags: Mystery: Thriller - Sheriff - Smoky Mountains
laurel and balsam fir—grew right up to the edge of the terrace. Concrete benches had been placed in niches, giving the occupants privacy.
    The small parking lot was actually a little past The Lodge and hidden from view by more trees. Tony turned into the semicircular drive and stopped in front of the big hotel door. Several empty luggage carts stood waiting.
    As Theo climbed out of the Blazer and glanced around, she shivered. Although she knew The Lodge was staffed with good people, for just a moment she felt threatened. Swallowing back a bubble of panic coming from nowhere and threatening her peace of mind, she watched Tony stack her things on one of the luggage carts. She couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching her.
    The feeling vanished the second Tony dragged her luggage cart into the lobby. Immediately, two-able bodied men jumped to help. Art Trimble, the owner of The Lodge, beat his young assistant to the cart by inches. “Do you have more in the car, Theo?” Art took the handle of the cart.
    “Not this time.” She had to laugh as much in relief as in amusement. “You've seen us arrive with truckloads of stuff before.”
    Art smiled widely. “Just testing.” He indicated his assistant. “This is Gavin Thompson. He's Beth's nephew.”
    Theo extended her hand to the young man who looked big enough to carry a small truck up the flight of stairs without breaking a sweat. “Nice to meet you.” Theo had to tug a little to get her hand free. “Have you been working up here for very long?”
    “I started this summer after I finished at the university.” He grinned at his brother-in-law. “Working for Art and Beth, I get to save just about everything I make so I will start grad school after Christmas.” Ignoring Tony, he grasped the cart. “Which stuff do you want in the sewing area?”
    Thinking the young man looked familiar and older than most college students, Theo pointed to the small bag. “Everything except this.”
    Without another word, Gavin picked up the two largest items and dashed away.
    “Thank you.” Theo said to his vanishing back. She turned to face Art. “Do I need to check in?”
    “Let me get Beth for you. She wanted to go over the room assignments and other arrangements with you.” He headed for the back of the hotel at a near run.
    “You have fun. I'll be back for you on Sunday about noon.” Tony bent and gave her a kiss. “I'd better move the Blazer before one of your group decides it's in the way and pushes it off the mountain.”
    Theo waved goodbye and wandered toward the sunken lounge. A low stone wall kept the unwary safe. The lounge area was about four feet lower than the lobby, gift shop, game room and restaurant. Beth had once explained the builders designed the enormous fireplace at the far end of the lounge before the rest of the building. When it had become apparent that the fireplace, as designed, would not fit the hotel, the builder had the area around it excavated so the fireplace would fit perfectly.
    “Theo?” The cadence of the soft female voice behind her was a pleasing drawl.
    “I'm down here admiring your fireplace.”
    With only a little clicking of her customary three inch high-heeled shoes, Beth Trimble made her entrance. Theo grinned at her, admiring her dedication to her own fashion sense. Theo probably only noticed it because it was so far from her own lack of it. Beth Trimble believed in being noticed. Today's high heels were red, matching her red leather mini-skirt. Theo wondered if she had borrowed her flowered tank top from a child, a small child. Topping it all was a hairdo requiring lots of hairspray and time.
    “Welcome.” Beth approached Theo, arms wide. Running a hotel was the perfect occupation for Beth. She never met a stranger, and everyone was her best friend.
    After the brief hug, Theo stepped away. “Thanks, Beth. Are you ready to do this again?”
    “Absolutely! We love having the quilters.” She glanced at her heavily-laden

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