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Book: Banes by Tara Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tara Brown
Tags: romantic fantasy, amanda hocking, were romance, supernatrual romance, series vampires
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    He shook his head, "Save it Aims, maybe it wasn’t all your fault but you’ve handled this badly. You can't just cut me out and then show up and expect we aren’t going to talk about it."
    "I know."
    "You have to let me in. You have to tell me what it all is. There cant be an us if it's only me here ripping my heart out and handing it to you to crush over and over."
    A tear dripped from her eye, "I know." It ran down her still cheek falling to the ground below. The sound resonated across the open space.
    He stepped towards her but she stepped back. Her back hit the garage door. He grabbed her hands and pulled her into him, "No matter what happens I will find a way to be with you Aimee, even if it means death but you need to be honest with me."
    She felt anger raging inside her. She pushed him slightly knocking him back a few steps, "No Shane."
    "What is it you do exactly? I saw you in that alley Aims, the man was dead but it was like he just fell asleep, no marks, no wounds. Just dead."
    She slumped against the garage door, "I'm death. I'm an idiot actually. I wanted to live." She looked up into his eyes feeling hers glistening and her lip trembling, "I wanted to be with you Shane, that’s all."
    He nodded, "I know Aims that's what I want too."
    She rubbed her forehead, "I'm a reaper, a grim reaper. I touch you and my fingers pull your soul out and free it from your body. They don’t have any choice, they just do it."
    He took a step closer, "Can you control it?"
    She shook her head, "Not completely. It's only been a year and a half."
    "Why are you so strong?" He took another step closer.
    She could feel him in the air around her. She savored the smell closing her eyes breathing it in. After a few seconds of imagining the life they could have had she spoke flatly, "Demon blood."
    She sighed letting him walk the whole way back to her and wrap his warm arms around her.
    "Demon blood, I drank it. It killed me but at the same time made me, well this. I told you this all last year, none of you believed me remember."
    "I remember. Have you killed innocent people or only criminals like the guy in the alley? Do you eat food? Do you sleep? So if you're dead are you like a vampire?"
    She laughed realizing how annoying it truly was and how badly she must have driven Aleksander crazy when she quizzed him about every detail constantly.
    She opened her eyes and smiled at him, "Yeah. But I don’t drink blood like them, I eat off of the tiny spark that happens when a soul is set free. It's like a tiny whisper of energy that happens as they die and their soul is freed."
    He cringed, "Kinda sick and yet somehow I still want to rip your clothes off."
    She laughed but he bent his warm face into her neck sending chills roller coasting up and down her spine.
    He stepped back looking at her, "We can find a way."
She nodded letting him pull her in kissing her, she let the dream be real for a moment. She winked them into his bedroom.
    Shane shivered slightly for a second trying to ignore the flash of travel. He kissed softly along the side of her mouth. He kissed her cheek pressing his soft lips against her face, almost sucking slightly with every touch of his lips. He kissed her lower lip only making her tremble. His hands slid up and down her back caressing her but also massaging deeply. She closed her eyes feeling her breath increase. Her mouth watered thinking about his tongue sliding into her mouth again.
    He bent slightly and began kissing down her throat and collarbone. He kissed her shoulder pulling her shirt to one side. His hands came around the back of her tracing the lines of her torso and waist. His warmth against her stomach made her ache. He lifted her shirt off. She remained motionless terrified to touch him. A tear found its way from her right eye and slid down her cheek.
    He bent kissing the tear away, "We'll never be apart again Aimee."
    She nodded letting herself go. She put her hands on his strong chest

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