Baby on Board

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Book: Baby on Board by Dahlia Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dahlia Rose
Tags: Romance
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cupped her breasts and
    she arched into his hands, letting the sensations take her away. The cargo
    shorts she wore were short, and she felt his fingers trace around the edge

    Baby On Board Dahlia Rose

    before slipping between the fabric and her skin.
    “Rafe, don’t,” she whispered against his lips.
    He moved his hand and cupped her through her shorts. His eyes met
    hers and she felt as if she were drowning in the depths of his gaze. “Let
    me show you how I can please you. You need this.”
    She pulled away. “Why do I need it, huh? Because it’s poor Ivy who
    needs a pity roll in the sack? Or maybe it’s you who needs release and
    why not give it to my plain Jane neighbor?”
    He ran his hand over his head and sighed. “And we’re back to that?
    Can’t you see past what you think I am or how I see you? You’re not
    plain, Ivy, you are gorgeous. If you haven’t figured out yet how much I
    want you, it’s your damn self-esteem getting in the way. You let people
    like Donna and Grace play against it. I don’t know if you were teased in
    high school or what, but it’s time to get over it and see that a man likes
    you for who you are.”
    Ivy narrowed her eyes at him as some of his words rang true and they
    hurt. “I do have a man who likes me for who I am. Reese does,” she
    lashed back at him.
    A look of anger passed over Rafe’s face as he pushed away from
    where he knelt. “Don’t bring that man’s name into anything having to do
    with us.”
    She stood, her hands clenched at her sides. “There is no us . You call
    when you need something and I help you. What the heck do you do for
    me? Oh, a few kisses, that’s right. You feel I should be bowing on the
    ground in front of you because you kissed me.”
    “I came over to make you dinner,” he pointed out.
    “And I had a date,” she shot back. “Did you want me to cancel and
    stay home with you?”
    “Yes,” he said without hesitation.
    Ivy threw her hands wide. “Why, because you kissed me once? You
    invited Donna and Grace and practically all the other women from the
    neighborhood to your party, but left me out. Yeah, I know it sounds petty,

    Baby On Board Dahlia Rose

    but I don’t care. You ran to me when you found Bonnie on your doorstep,
    not them. Then Donna comes to my house and instead of standing up for
    me, you warn me off of bitch slapping her. How am I supposed to know
    you have any interest in me whatsoever?”
    “I didn’t invite you because I know it’s not your thing,” Rafe
    explained. “Donna and her friends are the kind of girls those guys like.
    They play it loose and free. If I’d invited you and one of these guys
    touched you, I would have broken the arm that reached out to you.”
    “Why are you telling me this now?” Ivy asked. “It’s because of Reese,
    right? You saw him with me and now you think you want me too.”
    “I don’t think. I know. And you want me too,” Rafe said. He stepped
    forward and took her by the shoulders, pulling her against him. “Tell me
    he makes you feel like this. Tell me the fire in your belly ignites when he
    kisses you.”
    “It does and more.” She looked up at him and spoke with defiance in
    her voice.
    “Liar,” he said huskily.
    He kissed her again and this time it was so sweet and gentle it almost
    ruined her resolve. Rafe lifted his head and ran his thumb across her
    bottom lip. “I’m throwing my hat in the ring for you, Ivy.”
    “I’m not some prize to be won,” she snapped. “You just want what
    you can’t have.”
    “I’m going to have you, there is no doubt about it.” A slow smile
    spread across his face. “Get used to it.”
    “I’m going home.” Ivy pushed away in frustration.
    “You’ll be back,” he grinned.
    Ivy threw her hands up in the air. “I give up. You’re hopeless and so
    full of yourself. Remember what I said about Bonnie.”
    “I will. I’ll remember how you taste too,” he teased.
    Ivy didn’t comment. She

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