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Book: B006DTZ3FY EBOK by Diane Farr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Farr
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a slight smile. “H ow did you find your sister, Mr. Whittaker? ”
    “V ery well, thank you, Your Grace. ” His eyes twinkled. “A lthough she doesn ’ t seem to realize it. ”
    The duke nodded in approval. “S o I think. Nothing to worry about. She has a fine, healthy glow about her. ”
    The duchess gave a mournful little sigh. “A h, poor girl. To me, she seems quite worn down. But you men know nothing of what we women suffer. ”
    “N or do we wish to, ” Derek agreed. “I’ m told the child kicks so hard at night, it wakes even Malcolm. ”
    “E xcellent, ” exclaimed the duke. “H e ’ ll be a true Chase. Strong and vigorous. ”
    Derek almost winced. Natalie had told him, in despairing tones, that His Grace invariably used the masculine pronoun when referring to the babe. She dreaded handing the Chase family another disappointment. Pippa ’ s birth had been bad enough. Everyone adored the toddler now, but, when she had first arrived, the entire Chase family had been cast into gloom.
    As if summoned by his thoughts, the drawing room door opened to admit The Honorable Philippa Chase, who ran in as fast as her short legs would carry her. Derek instantly abandoned the formality he had donned for the duke and duchess. He dropped on one knee, opened his arms, and shouted, “P ippa! ”
    The child ran straight at him, squealing with delight. “U nca Deck! ” she crowed. He caught her, laughing, and planted a loud kiss on her plump cheek.
    “H ave you been a good girl? ”
    “G oo ’ girl, ” she asserted, nodding so emphatically that her dusky ringlets bounced.
    Malcolm ’ s older daughter, Sarah, was never far from Pippa ’ s side. She entered the room with the dignity befitting an elder sister, scolding with mock exasperation. “P ippa, I told you not to run. How are you, Uncle Derek? ”
    “M issing my best girl. How are you, sweeting? ” He scooped Pippa up in one arm and rose to give Sarah a hug with the other. Sarah considered herself too old to be petted like a baby, but Derek suspected that a girl still several months shy of her ninth birthday was young enough to need a little cosseting. She ducked her head shyly but she did hug him back, and her cheeks went pink with pleasure.
    It always tickled him to see Sarah and Pippa together. There was no discernible likeness between the two half-sisters, because each favored her mother. Robust Pippa had Natalie ’ s dark curls and enormous brown eyes, and seemed to be born to laugh. Sarah was delicate and serious, with pale hair and paler skin, and the spectacles perched on her little nose made her look wise beyond her years. But their mutual devotion was a pleasure to witness, and spoke volumes for Natalie ’ s ability to link her little family with bonds of affection stronger than mere blood ties.
    Malcolm and Natalie walked in behind Sarah, bringing up the rear. Natalie leaned heavily on Malcolm ’ s arm. She was wearing a loose gown that made her seem huge, but Malcolm handled her as gently as if she were the daintiest object in the room. He saw to Natalie ’ s comfort, settling her beside the duchess in the place Derek had vacated, before turning to shake hands with his brother-in-law.
    “H ow are you, you young ruffian? Natalie tells me you rode all the way up here ventre à terre , you were in such a hurry to reach her. Don ’ t you think I know how to take care of my own wife? ”
    Derek grinned. “I didn ’ t want to miss the big event. Looks to me like I arrived in the nick of time. ”
    “O h, I do hope you are right, ” exclaimed Natalie fervently. “I t seems to take forever. ”
    The duke coughed. The conversation was obviously growing a little too crude for his austere taste. “S arah, child, come you here, ” he commanded, patting the stool before him. “T ell your Grandpapa what you did today. ”
    Sarah obediently left Derek ’ s side and went to sit with her grandfather. Derek, still holding Pippa, pulled Malcolm

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