Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Dead

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Book: Ashes, Ashes, They All Fall Dead by Lena Diaz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Diaz
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
those times he’d watched her, wanted her, when the future was rich and full of promise. He’d dedicated his life to her, had given her everything she could possibly want or need. He’d taught her how to dress, how to talk, how to keep him happy, and what had she done in return?
    She’d betrayed him, by leaving him.
    His hand fisted around the box of matches in his pocket. His lungs suddenly seized with the urge to cough. He drew a shaky breath, trying to hold back, but he was helpless to stop it. His shoulders shook as he gave in to the coughing fit, the fiery burn lancing through his lungs. When he was finally able to draw a normal breath again, he wiped his handkerchief across his mouth, smearing fresh red blood onto the stained cloth. He shoved the reminder of how little time he had left back into his pocket just as a man turned the corner by the gas station, walking up the sidewalk, heading his way. It was him .
    His prey.
    His reason for coming back.
    John Crawford, her best friend’s father, the owner of the drugstore. Recognition stole his breath, closed his throat. Crawford had never liked him, had warned her daddy, had said terrible things, things his father had heard about. And because of those things—those lies —his father had kicked him out of the house, turned his back on his only son. All because of Crawford.
    His pulse leaped in his throat. He hunched his shoulders and bent his head. He forced his feet to move forward, slowly, instead of running like he wanted. The sharp corners of the box of matches dug into his palm. His fingers curled, like talons. He’d never cut anyone before. His weapons were gas and kerosene. But suddenly he wanted to dig his fingers into the other man’s throat. He wanted to rip, and tear, and—
    “Morning,” Crawford said as he walked by.
    “Morning,” he replied, his voice the tight, guttural rasp he had come to hate.
    His breath left him in a rush and he swallowed hard. He recognized the feelings inside him, the rage that was always there . . . and something he hadn’t felt in years.
    He hated the fear most of all. He ruthlessly shoved it back, locked it away. There was nothing to be afraid of. No one here could hurt him, not like before. He was invincible. He’d proven that over, and over, and over. He’d survived a betrayal no one else could have survived. He was strong. In control. No one hurt him anymore without paying a price.
    “Don’t let your little girl anywhere near him, Tom,” Crawford had said. “There’s something wrong with that young man.”
    “I’ve seen the way he looks at her. It’s not normal.”
    He loved her! There was nothing wrong with that.
    “He’s dangerous.”
    That part was true. He was dangerous, but only to people who hurt him, who mocked him, people who treated him unfairly. People who didn’t understand.
    Like Crawford.
    His lies had almost ruined everything.
    The familiar, hungry ache exploded deep inside him.
    No ! It wasn’t time yet. He wanted to explore the town, relive more memories, have a few more hours thinking about her before he punished him .
    He shoved his hands into his pockets again, stroking the box of matches. Deep breaths. Calm down. Breathe. Breathe. That’s what she used to tell him, when his anger clouded his mind, when he couldn’t focus. Sometimes it worked. Other times . . . her eyes would fill with fear, and he’d have to punish her.
    She told him she loved him, and then she ran away.
    Ashes, ashes . . .
    He rubbed his thumb across the gritty edge of the box that had the power to bring each match to life.
    The power to burn. The power to destroy. The power to punish.
    The hunger roared.
    Ashes, ashes . . .
    The beast inside him was strong. He couldn’t resist its lure. He stopped, turned. Crawford had just reached the next corner.
    He shuddered in anticipation and started after his prey.

    Chapter Five
    Day Two
    B ITTER REGRET SWEPT through Tessa as she

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