Aris: A Sexy Romance Novel (Thief of Hearts Series Book 1)

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Book: Aris: A Sexy Romance Novel (Thief of Hearts Series Book 1) by Elody Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elody Knight
young woman came running through the space in the vendor stalls in sheer panic until she looked into Saoirse’s lap.  She too, began rambling something in a language other than English as she picked up the little girl.  The girl began to fuss.  Saoirse stood up handing the food to the young woman. She said something Seer didn’t understand so she let the baby take it.  The little girl went back to quietly munching on the edges of the bread as her mother went back to the market. 
    She turned back around feeling her nerves come to their bleeding edge.  Aris was still staring at her.  She felt tight, self conscious, and cornered all at once.  Not knowing what else to do, she knelt down to the string bags that were laying around on the ground.  She gathered them up setting them next to each other.  With the last one in her hand, she turned back around.  Aris had already picked up the rest of them.
    “Home Mata?”  Aris asked.
    “Home.”  Mata wrapped her arm around Saoirse’s as they walked.
    “Where is Denise?”
    “She’s fine.  She’s with Jerith.”  Aris turned around as he spoke to her,  “Do you remember Jerith?”
    “Yes.” she looked at Mata rather than Aris.
    They caught the tram back up the hill.  Mata held on to Saoirse’s arm as they walked into the cul de sac then down the path to Aris’s home.  He carried the bags into the kitchen for Mata.  Saoirse sat down in one of the kitchen barstools.
    Aris leaned on the bar next to her,  “What do you want for dinner tonight?”
    She knew he was trying to talk to her, but all it did was bring out the worst in her,  “Whatever Mata wants to make.” 
    “Fair enough.  It’s still early, you want to go out in the boat for awhile?  The tide is in, so it’s not exactly advisable to be in the water right now.”
    “I should be working on the contracts your attorney abandoned.  Where is his office?”
    “You want to work on that now?  You could let it go a few days, there’s not that much.”
    “Noah said he left in a hurry.  If his attention was compromised prior to that, then there could be problems that have to be resolved before I leave.”
    “I can have his stuff brought out here in the morning.”  Aris was trying not to be unreasonable but he didn’t get to spend the morning with her, now he wasn’t going to get the afternoon with her either.
    “He didn’t have an office?” she could feel herself beginning to shake.  She wasn’t sure if she was angry, or just tired of everything being an uphill battle to end his way.
    “He had an office.  I just thought you might be more comfortable working here rather than cooped up in his office.  The idea wasn’t to bring you halfway around the world to chain you to a different desk, in another office building, with different, but still stale air.”
    She got out of the chair she was in headed for the stairs. 
    “Are there contracts or aren’t there?”  she whirled around crossing her arms across her chest.
    “Yes.  My love, I wouldn’t lie to you.  We do...”
    She clenched her hands at the air into fists til her knuckles were white.  “Stop calling me that!”  
    Aris followed her out of the kitchen into the main hallway of the house just as Denise burst in with Jerith in tow.
    Saoirse took one look at the bloody, red, cut up mess Denise’s body was in,  “What did you do to her?  You rat bastard!” 
    “Seers!”  Denise dropped the pineapples she was holding to grab Saoirse.
    Saoirse’s anger and frustration got the better of her.  She was angry enough at the confrontation she had just had with Aris.  It made her angrier to realize his calling her ‘my love’ intimidated and embarassed her, now her best friend was a cut up mess!  Her temper flared.  She turned, hammering her fist against Aris’s chest. 
    “You said she was fine!  You said she was in the market!”
    “Seers! Seers stop it!  I’m alright!” 

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