ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay

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Book: ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay by Mehul Desai Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mehul Desai
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Kanthaka, no.
    The horse slowly exhales and stops stills.
    Kylan lowers his head, trembling.
    He rests his forehead against Kanthaka's.
    Rivalen removes two flasks from his saddle.
    RIVALEN: I'm sorry to intrude, I was just
    passing by and wondered if you could spare
    a little water for my journey.
    Elliott nods to a barrel nearby.
    ELLIOTT: No permission needed. Help
    RIVALEN: (smiles) I thank you my friend.
    Elliott returns to the chopping slab.
    Rivalen splashes his face, drinking a little.
    ELLIOTT: Where you headed?
    RIVALEN: West. Hopefully find some more
    ELLIOTT: Been working the season?
    RIVALEN: (laughs) To the bone.
    ELLIOTT: Who's land have you been on?
    RIVALEN: The Temwoth plantation.
    Elliott pauses, his back to Rivalen.
    ELLIOTT: How is Cantor? Not seen him for
    a while.
    He continues chopping.
    RIVALEN: He's well. (laughs) We shared a
    good few drinks before I left.
    He slowly turns and looks at the house.
    ELLIOTT: (beat) What's your name friend?
    RIVALEN: Rivalen.
    Elliott looks back at him as he peeks in
    through one of the windows. The kitchen
    RIVALEN (CONT'D): (beat) Your wife
    cooking you a fine meal this evening?
    ELLIOTT: My wife passed many years ago.
    RIVALEN: I'm sorry to hear that. Just you
    and this boy of yours?
    ELLIOTT: That's right.
    RIVALEN: No daughters?
    Elliott chops another piece of wood, gripping the axe tight.
    ELLIOTT: Just me and my boy.
    Rivalen glances aside.
    He sees clothes drying on a line. A dress amongst them.
    Kylan trips and falls. He gets back up and continues to run, pushing himself.
    He hears horses approach and looks back, panicking.
    He quickly drops into the wheat field and ducks out of sight.
    Two black horses pass by. The masked riders not spotting him.
    Rivalen looks up at the house, eyes on the top floor windows.
    Elliott turns, resting the axe on his shoulder.
    ELLIOTT: Quite unusual isn't it. Travelling
    so late. Wouldn't it be wiser to leave in the
    Rivalen smiles, returning to his horse.
    RIVALEN: I have a friend in the next town.
    It's not far.
    He packs away the flasks and slowly reaches from a blade under the saddle.
    The edge of the axe stops by the side of his neck.
    Elliott stands behind him.
    ELLIOTT: (beat) Where is the Temwoth girl?
    Rivalen smiles, slowly raising his hands.
    RIVALEN: I think you have me mistaken for
    someone else my friend.
    Elliott holds the axe to his throat as he turns.
    ELLIOTT: Where is she?
    Rivalen looks over Elliott's shoulder and smiles.
    Elliott is struck against the side of the head with the butt of a sword.
    RIVALEN: Wait!
    The two masked riders lower their curved blades.
    RIVALEN (CONT'D): The house, search the
    One of riders hurries in through the back door, the other locking Elliott's arms behind his back.
    Rivalen leans forward.
    RIVALEN (CONT'D): Where is she? The
    pale haired girl with the markings, where is
    Elliott spits in his face.
    Arianna waits by the stream. She turns her head, unsure what to do.
    Kylan wades through the corn, exhausted.
    The masked rider pins Elliott to the ground. Rivalen kneels down beside him and forces eye contact.
    RIVALEN: Where are you hiding her?
    ELLIOTT: I told you no girl lives here.
    RIVALEN: (beat) These people will not harm
    her. I promise you.
    He reaches behind his belt and takes out a small satchel.
    RIVALEN (CONT'D): You see this?
    He empties gold coins in front of him.
    RIVALEN (CONT'D): This can be yours.
    They can give you however much you want.
    Just tell them

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