Apocalypse Burning

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Book: Apocalypse Burning by Mel Odom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mel Odom
Tags: Christian
    “The reports don’t tell the whole truth. His problem was that his father has an anger-management issue. Whenever Boyd Fletcher got mad at the army or at his wife—whom he suspected of being unfaithful—or came home in a bad mood, Gerry was the one who paid the price.”
    “It’s hard for me to imagine a full-grown man beating up a kid.”
    “I don’t have to imagine it. Over the years I’ve counseled kids who have had problems like that. Gerry Fletcher’s situation wasn’t unique.”
    “But you didn’t have enough evidence to act.”
    “No,” Megan confirmed. “Not then.”
    “Gerry wouldn’t admit that his father hit him?”
    Benbow shifted, bringing out a pen and making notes on the index cards. “You followed up with the family?”
    Benbow looked at her.
    “There was no just cause,” Megan explained. “No real proof. Only suspicion, and you’ve got to have a lot more than that to perform in any manner that might suggest accusation. I suggested that I see Gerry again. Just as a follow-up because he seemed apprehensive. I said that maybe the move to Fort Benning wasn’t agreeing with him. But when I tried to set up a time later, Boyd Fletcher declined.”
    “And he could do that?”
    “Yes. He’s Gerry’s father, and no charges had been filed.”
    “You couldn’t do anything about that?”
    Benbow referred to his notes. “Gerry came into the hospital on three other occasions.”
    “Before his arm was broken, yes.”
    “We’ll get to the broken arm. I want to discuss the other visits where similar instances of bruising were reported.”
    “All of those visits weren’t for medical attention for his injuries. They occurred when Gerry went in for routine medical care—for a vaccination or a flu shot or a round of antibiotics for a cold. On those three occasions you’re talking about, the attending physician made notes that Gerry had ‘suspicious bruising.’”
    “Suspicious bruising?”
    “Did you view the bruises?”
    “No. I couldn’t. The physicians didn’t ask me to. I only found out about them later. There are all kinds of privacy issues to consider in a case like this.”
    “What did you do when you found out about this suspicious bruising?”
    “I was able to schedule counseling time with Gerry.”
    “Did you see the bruising then?”
    “Then how were you able to schedule time? Especially if his parents didn’t agree to counseling sessions. Which, I’m guessing, Boyd Fletcher didn’t.”
    “He didn’t. I had to go over his head. I suggested to the physician each time that we might want to interview Gerry for possible depressive episodes that might trigger repeated self-inflicted injuries.”
    Benbow pursed his lips. “I really wish we had gone over this before.”
    Tapping his pen against the index cards, he answered, “Because if there’s paperwork around that documents your belief that Gerry Fletcher was hurting himself because of depression, it’s going to look bad for us.”
    “He wasn’t depressed,” Megan said. “He was scared. I only used that as a wedge to get inside the family.”
    “Okay, but it may come back to haunt us. And that brings us to another issue. To the jury, it’s going to look like you were tampering with the evidence. Setting Boyd Fletcher up to fall. The jury may view the case as tainted from that point on.”
    “Boyd Fletcher was beating his son.” Megan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “It was the only thing I had to use.”
    “I understand that. Really, I do. I know that you did the best you could, Megan. I know that. But what I also know is that the opposing counsel is going to have a field day with the ammunition you’re inadvertently giving him.”
    Megan took a deep breath and released it. “If you’re thinking that maybe this case is getting shaky and you want out, Lieutenant, all you have to do is say so.”
    Benbow looked at

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