Angel of Mercy

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Book: Angel of Mercy by Jackie McCallister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie McCallister
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have recognized Chelsea. There hadn’t been a hint of recognition in his eyes as they drifted closed. Chelsea prayed as she aided Captain McGuire in his task.
    Dear Lord, I know that your ways are Holy and that my ways are just human, but please be with my friend Tim. It may be selfish of me, but he’s a wonderful man with a wonderful family who need him so much. Help Captain McGuire and all of us work with sure hands. In Jesus name, Amen
    Just as Chelsea concluded her inner dialogue with the Almighty, Captain McGuire took stock of the situation.
    “We have him stabilized. We’re going to have to get some images of his insides to see if there is any further damage, though. Walter?” Captain McGuire shouted, calling one of the transport medics. “I need you to make a run to Glynnis with this young man.”
    Glynnis was the name given to the Nuclear Medicine and Imaging Unit of the medical facilities at Bagram Air Base. Located about 75 yards from where the patient was currently located, Glynnis (named when it was first built after the actress Glynnis O’Connor. The name, for no apparent reason, stuck) was a little slice of the famed Mayo Clinic in the middle of the God-forsaken desert. Complete with CT, nuclear medicine, large bore MRI, and the latest in healing technology for neuroblastoma tumor cells brought about by exposure to high temperature burns. The latter, known as positron emission tomography (or PET) was second to none in the world.
    Today, the patient was going to be transported to Glynnis while under sedation to make the trip that much more comfortable. He would be restrained during the testing procedure. That would ensure that the resultant images would be as clear as possible. Rather than waiting days to determine if there was any hidden damage to his internal organs, Captain McGuire would know by early this evening.
    The triage area of the medical facility was mercifully and for one of the few times lately, empty of incoming casualties. Chelsea asked if she could accompany Tim to Glynnis. Lieutenant McKay, with a puzzled expression that Chelsea couldn’t decipher, agreed.
    Chelsea caught up with Private Walter Beauregard who, along with Pfc. Clayton Adams was carefully transporting Tim Giacomo’s sleeping body across the smooth sidewalk that connected the main medical facility to Glynnis. About a third of the way there, someone new fell into step beside Chelsea and asked, “How is he doing?”
    Chelsea turned to answer and saw that the question had been asked by Corporal Tim Giacomo. Chelsea went pale as she looked from Tim to the patient and back to Tim. Suddenly it all came clear to the young nurse.
    The patient hadn’t recognized her because he didn’t know her. Lieutenant McKay was puzzled by Chelsea’s request. As far as she knew, Chelsea had never seen this patient before. Tim asked how the patient was doing because the patient was Tim’s identical twin brother, Specialist First Class Gerald Giacomo.
    Tim quickly realized what Chelsea had been going through for the last half hour. As concerned as he was for his brother, Tim put his arm around his friend and said, “I’m right here. I’ve been right here all along.”
    Chelsea felt faint. Of course, the boy on the transport table was important to her, but to know that it wasn’t her dear friend brought about a guilty moment of pleasure. It was a moment that she quickly squashed.
    “We think that he’s going to be fine. He’s been terribly cut up, though, and some of the wounds are pretty deep. He has movement to all of his extremities, though. We’re going to get him looked at in Glynnis.”
    Tim’s eyes clouded over as he looked at his sleeping brother. It is said that twins have a unique sense when the other half of the same fertilized egg is in distress. That was certainly true for the Giacomo twins. Once, when they were in elementary school, Gerald had been on the losing end of a fistfight. Tim’s nose had started to leak a

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