And Nothing But the Truth

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Book: And Nothing But the Truth by Kit Pearson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kit Pearson
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out even more confidently. “You look so happy,” Polly said.
    “I am! Oh, Doodle, everything was so
before! Being so poor, all the trouble about Daddy, moving here … Now Daddy is almost free, and I adore U.B.C. And … oh, Poll—I think I’m in love! But don’t tell Noni about Robert yet. I’ll write to her about him. I may bring him home for Thanksgiving. Then you’ll be able to meet him.” She spoke as if that were an enormous privilege.
    “I like your hair,” said Polly. “How did you get it so even?”
    “It’s called a ‘marcel wave.’ Ann did it with her curling iron.” Maud appraised Polly. “Doodle, don’t you think it’s about time you cut
hair? It would wave naturally, not like mine.”
    “Cut my hair? But Daddy—”
    “Daddy wouldn’t care. He didn’t mind when
got a bob. Do it, Poll! I could cut it for you tomorrow.”
    “No!” Polly frowned. “I like it long and so do Daddy and Noni.” As soon as she said that, however, she thought of how she was the only one at school with long hair.
    “You’re so pretty, Poll, but you’d look even prettier with a bob. Will you at least think about it?”
    “Oh, all right. Maybe I’ll do it one day, but not yet.”
    They grinned at each other. “By the way, Maud, Miss Guppy told me to remind you to write to her.”
    Maud looked guilty. “I keep putting it off. I went to her church and I hated it! All they talked about was how sinful we were. I …” Maud hesitated.
    “Well, it’s hard to admit this after how certain I was before, but I don’t feel the same about religion as I did at school. Robert has to go to church with his family, but he told me he’s an agnostic.”
    “It means he doesn’t know for sure if God exists. We have long arguments about it. I don’t agree with him—I
believe in God. But the Guppy’s God is so black and white. I think he’s a lot more mysterious and complicated. But I can’t tell her that.”
    “Why don’t you just write her a short note and don’t say anything about religion at all,” suggested Polly.
    “I guess I could, but I know she’ll suspect something.”
    Then Maud laughed. “But you know what, Poll? She’s not in charge of me anymore!”
    Polly shuddered. “You’re lucky.”
    “Are you all right about deciding to be a full-time boarder?” Maud asked. “You’re so attached to the island I know you’ll miss coming home.”
    “I don’t want to do it, but if I want to be an artist I
to,” said Polly.
    “Good for you! Daddy would be so proud. Have any of the girls asked about him being cleared?”
    “Not yet. But some of them know, I think. They give me strange looks.”
    “Just ignore them. I’ve told Ann all about Daddy, and I’m sure lots of my other friends know, but they’re too polite to mention it. Oh, Doodle, in a few months we’ll see him again!”
    After Maud left, Polly pulled Tarka up to lie on her pillow so she could breathe in his skunky smell and stroke his soft ears. She wouldn’t be able to cuddle with him again until Thanksgiving.
    “Oh, Tarka, I
turning thirteen!” she whispered. Already it seemed like an unlucky number.
    Miss Guppy pumped Polly’s hand so hard it hurt. “Good for you, my dear!” she barked. “You won’t regret this. I’ll telephone Miss Falconer right away and let her know. You’re going to love being here all the time, I promise.” She gazed at Polly hungrily, like a spider that had caught her prey.
    Alice approved, as well. Polly told her on Monday, when they were both supposed to be practising. “That’s absolutely the best decision!” she said warmly. “We’re so lucky, aren’t we?”
    “What do you mean?”
    “We both know what we want to do when we grow up, and we’re already getting good training for it.” Twice a week, Alice went to singing lessons.
    “I guess you’re right,” said Polly slowly, “but I wish I didn’t have to stay on

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