Anarchy in New Enlgand

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Book: Anarchy in New Enlgand by Joe Jarvis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Jarvis
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speaking, just in case Barry had attracted any attention.
    "We do seem to be in a unique position to help each other out. You know there is one particular firm that has been sucking up my customers."
    "Atlas no doubt", Barry chimed in obliviously, helping himself to another crab cake.
    A shudder of fury boiled up inside Drake, and he closed his eyes for a moment to quiet it before speaking.
    "Yes. Atlas. But I see an opportunity for us both to benefit, Barry." Drake said his name because he wasn't sure Barry was paying attention. Here Drake was, trying to propose a solution, and Barry seemed to care more about hors d'oeuvres and wine.
    "What's that?" replied Barry, mouth full, his moments-earlier bad mood seemed to have been quelled by good food and good wine.
    "Well..." Drake briefly considered dropping the subject, but continued. "Atlas is prosecuting that murderer, Ted, from the Cape. The real sick one with the trust fund. It’s an open and shut case. He obviously did it. But Atlas just so happens to own some stock in Ted's daddy’s brewing and distilling company, Illicit Liquors."
    "So how's that going to help us?" Barry was beckoning to the waiter to bring more wine, so Drake, annoyed, waited for the waiter to leave the area before continuing.
    "So if it turned out the case wasn't so open and shut, it may look like Atlas wanted little Teddy to be prosecuted, to save the business from crumbling when he takes it over."
    "Well that doesn't really make much sense, unless Atlas owned some big percentage of the company. How much stock does he have?"
    "Practically nothing, but it doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to be widely believed. The story is that Atlas owns a piece of the distilling company, and wants to make sure it succeeds at all costs. We can get the story out, and if we repeat it enough times, people will believe it. You should know that from all the history books you read."
    Barry chuckled, "Yes, but in the history books, everybody and their brother didn't own a news website. They just had to get a handful of people to agree, and the world would believe whatever they passed down to their minions."
    "We can handle the media," said Drake who owned a controlling stake in a popular area news site, News of New England, and had some connections to others with Internet companies. He figured he'd just pay off the right people, and reimburse himself later by extorting money from Ted's family for the favorable outcome.
    Barry put down the knife he was using to butter his roll, finally catching on to Drake’s plan. His stressed out demeanor returned as he realized this meal was meant for more than fraternizing.
    "But how could I do anything about that. BA isn't even involved in the case."
    "No, but if a conflict of interest arose for the arbiters on the case, it would be moved, and if I give Teddy's father a nudge and a wink, I think we could get Barry Arbitration involved in the case."
    "And then I commit career suicide by putting my neck on the chopping block when its found out that my ruling was false!" Barry was not convinced. "I could be confined to an adap for that, and what do I get in return? Nothing." Barry was shaking his head no.
    "Nothing?" Drake gave a small snort and sigh, "You get to be rid of a certain reporter, and have certain files of hers go missing as well. In the shock and confusion, the report from Business Ethics Review never comes out, and no one pays attention to Barry Arbitration's rating."
    "Oh," Barry was taken aback, surprised that the plan had escalated so quickly. "I see. But that still doesn't protect me from it coming to light that I lied about the evidence in the murder case. I'd just be digging my hole deeper, and kicking the can down the road."
    "Only if we stop there" Drake retorted.
    "Where else is there to go? I undermine your main competitor's credibility, saving your business. You bury a negative report, saving my business... until it is found out that I blatantly lied, at

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