swept over his face, noting his strong jaw which always seemed to be covered in a five o’clock shadow, his full, slightly parted lips, and his shaggy dark hair lying in disarray around his face. Suddenly, she realized she was staring and she dropped her gaze quickly, taking a step back.
“Come inside,” he said quietly.
“Okay,” she breathed, stepping past him. She shivered, pulling her jacket tightly around her.
“Getting cold,” Ryland said. “Storm’s coming in. Probably gonna snow tonight.”
“Jesus,” Lane said as he came in, shutting the door quickly behind him. “It’s freaking cold outside.”
“Well, my heavens,” Helen said, wiping her hands on her apron. “Come get some coffee and warm up. I’ve just finished getting lunch made.”
“Thank you,” Macy said, following Helen into the kitchen. “Smells wonderful.”
“Oh, it’s not much. Just made some tomato soup. Have a seat.”
Macy and Lane slid into a couple of chairs beside each other at the table, and Ryland sat across from them. Macy’s heart was hammering softly inside her chest, making her wonder why Ryland was making her feel so uneasy. She was used to being around celebrities and it didn’t faze her anymore. Maybe she’d gone back to work too quickly. She lifted her eyes and met Ryland’s gaze, then looked down again.
“Here you go,” Helen said, setting down a pot of coffee on the table. She disappeared again for a moment before returning with a platter of soup bowls. “Can I get anyone anything else?”
Macy and Lane shook their heads and Ryland said, “No thanks, Helen. Looks good.”
Helen bowed her head slightly, smiling before turning and leaving the room.
“I’m not used to so much home cooking. Didn’t realize how often I just catch fast food on the fly until we came here,” Lane said, nudging Macy.
Macy smiled. “I know. Helen’s a wonderful cook.” She looked up and caught Ryland watching her. His mind seemed to be working overtime and she wondered why. “Where’s Michael?”
“L.A. on business. So,” Ryland said, clearing his throat. “What do you want to talk about?”
Lane quickly opened his satchel and pulled out a pen and his notebook. “First of all, your fans want to know when your new single is coming out.” Lane was never one to beat around the bush.
Ryland’s face gave away nothing. Eventually, he spoke. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Lane said, his pen poised over his notebook. “Like… I don’t need an exact date. Ballpark would be fine.”
“I don’t know,” Ryland repeated firmly. “I have no idea.”
“O...kay,” Lane said frowning. “So I guess that means no ETA on your album either.”
“What album?” Ryland said irritably.
Suddenly, Lane’s eyes lit up and he scooted his chair back, throwing an ankle over his knee and leaning in towards Ryland. Oh boy. He was about to unleash the reporter.
“Ryland, tell me what you’ve been up to for the past two years.”
Ryland grinned. “You’ve seen it.” He wasn’t about to give out any information.
“Yes, I’ve seen it. You have a beautiful ranch here. Have you decided to give up your music career and focus on ranching?”
“Interesting,” Lane said, jotting down some notes. “Is that why you canceled your tour?”
Macy watched Ryland’s face closely. His jaw ticked and he kept his lips pressed into a thin line. He regarded Lane for a few beats before responding.
Macy’s eyes swept quickly between Lane and Ryland. Tension was quickly escalating between the two of them and she didn’t want things to get out of hand. This was the assignment that would help redeem her. If they ended up pissing off Ryland Quinn it would put her back at square one. She placed her hand on Lane’s wrist and gave him a subtle look that said back off.
“You know, there’s no reason why we can’t finish this later. I think we have a good start.” She turned to Ryland
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