Amazon Chief

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Book: Amazon Chief by Robin Roseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Roseau
adult. Okay?"
    "Okay," I said.
    "Look me in the eye and tell me you don't hate me."
    It took a moment, but I raised my eyes towards hers. "I don't hate you anymore," I said again. "If Maya forgave you, then I should."
    "Of the things I did wrong, what was the worst?"
    "You hurt my sister!"
    She smiled. "I am so pleased to see how loyal you are to her."
    "You're making it hard to stay mad at you."
    "I know," she said.
    I looked back at my hands. "Mrs. Winehouse wasn't your fault," I admitted. "If Maya has accepted your apology, then I do."
    "Do you really mean that?" she asked. "If you're just saying that, then this is going to fester inside you, and that wouldn't be good. If inside you hate me, or even don't trust me, then you should stay home, Beria. You would need to obey me and treat me with respect."
    "Would you treat me with respect?" I asked, looking her in the eye.
    "Yes, unless you give me reason not to."
    I didn't look away this time. "I accept your apologies, Nori. Thank you. No hard feelings. Do you have them?"
    "Hard feelings towards you? You're worried I'll take this out on you?"
    I nodded.
    "No, Beria, I won't." She cocked her head a moment, and I thought she had something else she wanted to say. I waited for her. "I want you to consider something else. Look around."
    I did.
    "You see all these women. A few of them are watching us: Maya and Malora, Omie and Vorine, and perhaps a few others."
    I looked back at Nori.
    "Why are they looking at us?"
    "They're ready to go. They're waiting for us."
    "I'm making you all wait?"
    "Look around again. Do any of them look angry?"
    I looked. No one looked angry. I thought perhaps Omie looked worried. But Maya was smiling, and when I looked at her, the smile broadened. She nodded to me.
    "They won't wait all morning," Nori said, "but they're giving you time to think about all of this."
    "Because everyone knows what we're talking about. Everyone knows this is a big decision for you. Everyone wants you to forgive me and decide to come with us. We're trying to give you the time you need to get used to the idea."
    "The idea of not hating you, or the idea of going with?"
    "Both ideas, I guess," she replied. "I bet forgiving me is harder than deciding to go with us."
    I looked around again and felt guilty they were all waiting for me.
    "Are you going to make Omie leave without me?"
    "No. I am going to tell Queen Malora that you accepted my apologies and that I think you would make a very good Amazon."
    We climbed to our feet, then she held out a hand to me. I stared at it for a moment, then clasped hands with her.
    "I hope you leave with us, Beria," she said. "Omie needs you, and I hope you and I can become friends."
    "You want to be friends with me? I'm only thirteen."
    "Yes, Beria, I want to be friends with you."
    I hadn't expected that.
    * * * *
    It turned out that Omie was n't the only Amazon to remain behind in Gallen's Cove. An older Amazon named Ralla was also staying. I was a little disappointed that Omie's sister wasn't staying, and I didn't see Careen. We watched the rest of the Amazons ride away, and I told her I was sorry for her sister.
    "Why's that?"
    "Careen decided not to go."
    "Oh. She said 'yes', but she wants time to say goodbye to her family."
    "Oh," I said. "That's good then. What do we do now?"
    "We find out what Ralla and Jasmine are doing," Omie said. "But you and I will start training." She led me over to where Ralla was standing talking with Jasmine. Jasmine was a quiet girl, five years older than I was. She'd always been nice to me, and I was happy to see her.
    "What are your plans, Ralla?" Omie asked.
    Ralla turned to us. "Jasmine wants to know what it's like to live rough," Ralla said. "We're going to pack up like I do for one of my trips, but we'll just circle around and come back here every afternoon. I warned her spending hours in a saddle can take some getting used to, so we're going to do half days."
    "Beria is concerned about training,"

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