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Book: Already Home by Susan Mallery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mallery
wasn’t especially brilliant in the kitchen, but he convinced us all he was. For years, I told myself I couldn’t keep up. I guess that’s when I started putting myself down.”
    She hesitated. “I used to be so inventive in my cooking. Aaron would pick my ideas apart, make me feel they weren’t any good, then a few weeks later, they would show up on the menu. When I asked about that, he said he’d made changes, improved them. But I wasn’t ever sure he did. I used to take chances.”
    She pressed her lips together. “Sorry. Too much information.”
    â€œIt’s not. What you’re saying makes a lot of sense.”
    â€œYou mean it explains why I’m not willing to do anything without charts and a plan? Structure makes me feel safe. It wasn’t always that way.”
    Violet eyed her over the glass. “Don’t take this wrong, but I don’t think you started it. I’ll bet it was Aaron.”
    â€œYou think?”
    Jenna thought about their relationship. She wanted to say he’d always been there for her. That he was supportive. But she knew it wasn’t true.
    â€œHe wanted me to be less than him,” she said slowly.
    â€œMaybe you scared him.”
    â€œNothing scared Aaron.”
    â€œEveryone is afraid of something.” Violet spoke with a confidence Jenna envied. “If a guy pretends he’s not, he’s faking it. Trust me. I have experience when it comes to lousy guys. Show me a nice guy who wants to take me out and treat me well and I yawn. Parade a few losers in front of me and I can’t get there fast enough.”
    â€œThat’s not good,” Jenna said.
    â€œTell me about it. I have a whole list of wonderful men I’m not the least bit interested in. When you’re ready for rebound guy, just let me know. I can suggest a couple dozen.”
    Jenna laughed. “I’m not the rebound guy type.”
    â€œSure you are. Everyone is. It’s kind of required. You’ve ended one relationship and you need to think about starting the next. Rebound guy gives you confidence.”
    â€œWhat does he get out of it?”
    â€œSex with minimal effort. Guys love that.”
    Jenna shifted in her seat. “I’ve never been much of a guy magnet. I’m not sure rebound guy will be worth the effort it’ll take to get him.”
    Violet raised her dark eyebrows. “Have you looked in the mirror lately? The effort we’re talking about is little more than wearing a short skirt and smiling.”
    If only, Jenna thought wryly. “I’m not good with guys.”
    â€œI doubt that, but even if it’s true, it doesn’t matter. The rebound relationship is about having fun. You get out there and remind yourself that yes, you can have a good time with someone else. You go out a couple of times, have hot sex, wake up feeling refreshed and move on.”
    Jenna wondered what Violet would say if she confessed to the fact that she’d only been with one other guy before Aaron. The thought of sex with a stranger was terrifying.
    â€œMy parents met in college,” she said. “They knew right away that they were meant for each other. I always thought it would be like that for me.”
    â€œI didn’t know it was like that for anyone,” Violet murmured.
    â€œI was holding out for perfect. Instead I got Aaron.”
    â€œMaybe it’s time to try fun instead.”
    â€œI’ve never thought of dating as fun,” Jenna admitted. “I guess I was doing it wrong.”
    â€œYou’re doing it again,” Violet said.
    â€œDoing… Oh, right.” The put-down thing.
    What was with her? When had she become that kind of person—always seeing the worst in herself?
    â€œOkay,” she said, straightening. “Rebound guy. You swear it’s fun?”
    â€œIt can be. Give it some thought and when you’re ready, I’ll hook you up

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