All That I See - 02

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Book: All That I See - 02 by Shane Gregory Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shane Gregory
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tensed up, then became more lively. Sara yanked back on the jack. When it pulled free, it was bloody on the end. She wheeled it back, then walked around and squatted down about three feet from the door to look through the holes she had made. Hesitantly, I joined her. A horrible smell of death and feces came out of the room.
    “There are two in there, at least, but I can’t make out their faces,” she said.
    She stood , stepped forward, and kicked the door in the weak spot between the two holes . It caved in making one large hole. The arm shot out of the hole again, trying to grab her leg, but she was able to pull it away. We knelt again. The owner of the arm with the two missing fingers was Brenda, the woman we’d rescued from the burning drug store . I was sad about that; she had been such a nice lady. She put her face through the hole, hissing and snarling at us.
    We b acked up out of Brenda’s reach then squatted again trying to see past the infected woman into the room.
    “I wonder how this happened,” I said, afraid that her current state was my fault.
    “Give me that machete, ” Sara said.
    I picked up the machete from where I had propped it in the doorway and handed it to her. I expected her to hack on the door to open up another hole. Instead, she walked around to the side of the office door, and stood up against the wall. When Brenda pushed her head out farther, Sara swung the blade down, chopping into the back of her neck. I winced. I’d seen plenty of death the past few weeks, but this was Brenda.
    The head didn’t come off, so Sara took another swing, slinging blood against the wall beside me in the downward arc. I looked away. There was a wet, dull sound as the head dropped to the floor. I looked again and Brenda’s corpse was limp, her right arm sticking out of the hole as far as her armpit, her neck spurting blood. The severed head was on the floor, and I was glad to see that the face was turned away from me.
    Sara looked up at me with a solemn expression. Tears were glistening in her eyes. She looked like she would say something, but then another arm came through the hole.

    CHAPTER 10
    It was a man’s arm, and he was wearing a plaid long-sleeved shirt. The new arm startled her, and Sara brought the machete down a third time, slicing though the bicep and stopping at the bone. She was obviously crying by this time and stepped back away from the carnage and rested her back against the wall.
    “Are you okay?” I asked.
    She nodded, looking down at the bloody blade.
    “I didn’t want to leave Ms. Brenda like that,” she said. “But I was afraid shooting would be too loud.”
    I stepped away from the d oor and went out by the jack, lowering myself to look into the hole.
    “ I don’t recognize him,” I said. “Do you remember him?”
    Sara joined me then shook her head, “ No. Is there anyone else inside?”
    “I can’ t see,” I said. “Why don’t I shoot him, and we’ll make sure. We should have enough time to get away from here before the shot brings in any zombies .”
    She nodded, but didn’t say anything.
    “Why don’t you go out to the car, and get it started so we can leave in a hurry.”
    She started to protest, but I held up my hand to stop her.
    I handed her my .22. “I’ll be alright.”
    She stood and started bawling. I was a little taken aback by that, but I stood and reached out for her. She came in to me, putting her forehead against my chest.
    “ I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just… I don’t know why this should set me off, but i t’s too much. I’m sorry.”
    “It’s okay,” I said, not knowing what to say. “I’ ll take care of this.”
    She nodded again and stepped away. She looked over at Brenda’s head and shook her own. Slowly, she walked toward the garage. When she got to the doorway she turned around and faced me. The revolver hung from her left hand, and the machete from her right. She smiled wanly.
    “I do love you, you know,” she

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